Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Every Day, Happy New Year, It’s Time To Celebrate

Why do we have to wait for special holidays to celebrate the miracle of life? Isn’t it time we started to appreciate how much we have to be happy for every day of our lives?

It seems to me that many of us are taking the bounty of our lives for granted. We spend so much time wishing for more that we forget how much we already have.

We take for granted things like:

Good Health

A Loving Family

The Blessings of God

The Miracle of Our Faith

The Beauty All Around Us

Our Ability To Think and Reason

The Wonders of The World We Live In

Our Beliefs and Our Passions

The Kindness of Strangers

Our God Given Souls

The Miracle of Life Itself

The list could go on and on. Maybe you can think of some things that I have forgotten that we take for granted. Maybe you can help others become more aware of their surroundings and their blessings.

Don’t waste your time thinking about the bad things that have happened in your life. It won’t make them go away any sooner. It won’t make you happier. It will distract you from concentrating on all the good things you have to celebrate.

Concentrate on the positive. Having a positive attitude will help you be happier. Believe in a good future for yourself and your family and your chances of having one will improve dramatically. Have faith in yourself and your ability to be a force for good. Believe in God and all He has given us.

Isn’t it time we took the time to celebrate our lives by trying harder to make something more constructive of them. Perhaps that’s what the celebration should be all about: Our ability to try and do better, our passion to discover more of the meaning of life, and our ability to be thinking and kind human beings.

What a wonderful world this is for us to live and love and work in. Doesn’t it make you want to celebrate your existence every day of the year?

Happy New Year*****

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Conversations with God

I believe that I can hold conversations with God. In my dreams, he hears my prayers. His sweet words, they answer my questions.

I asked God why he allowed terrible things like natural disasters to kill so many innocent people? He answered me as follows.

'Because you do not understand, I forgive you.

I do not understand dear God, Please forgive me.

God answered, 'I know you do not understand. I see your fears. I know your prayers. I am always with you, but why do you doubt me?

I doubt you because I do not understand? When will I begin to see the light?

God smiled. A flash of blazing glory crossed the horizon and he said, 'Be of good faith. You must believe, then you will begin to understand.

I find it hard to believe in that which I cannot see or understand dear God.

God said, 'If you have enough faith you will learn to understand. And if you have enough faith you will recognize my glory that is within you.

With this last pronouncement a warm glow of pure joy seemed to fill every fiber of my being and I said, 'thank you dear God.

And God said, 'be not afraid because I am always with you. I have given you the ability to think independently. Use this gift wisely.

Thank you God, but how can I use your gift wisely if I do not understand?

God replied, 'If you have enough faith you will begin to understand. If you have enough faith, all things are possible. Why do you question me?

I have so many questions dear God. When will I begin to know the answers?

'When you are ready, when you have evolved into the thinking human being I meant you to be, God replied.

I feel that I have been ready to believe in you my entire life dear God.

God said, 'Than where is your faith? Why do you question me who has created you?

I do not have the answer dear God; all I have is more questions.

God said, 'If you still question me than you do not have enough faith in yourself. For I have made you in my image.

At this point I felt as if the whole world was shaking and trembling. I asked God if he was mad at me?

God said, I am not mad, I share your pain, I share your dreams, I know your frustrations, why do you still question me?

Dear God, I do not know why I am so insecure. I only know that I wish with all my heart to believe in you.

God chuckled and the whole nights sky seemed to light up with his merriment. He said, 'You will, for I believe that you are evolving into a good and worthwhile person.

I told God that I found it hard to believe that God had faith in me considering all the weaknesses of spirit that I suffered from.

God said, 'You are entitled to be a Person of Faith because I created you in my own image just as all of these seemingly random acts of nature are part of my grand design for the evolution of your world in the interests of the greater good. Do not question my intent.

With this a feeling of pure bliss took hold of me. I felt a sense of contentment and peace of mind that I had never known before. All I could do was to murmur, 'Thank you dear God.

God encompassed me and said, 'Why has it taken you so long to find my grace? Why have you had to fight yourself to become a Person of Faith?

I guess even God has questions when it comes to dealing with his own creation.

God must have heard me for he said, 'It is all part of my grand design. As you begin to evolve into the thinking human being that I have created you to be, you will begin to understand. Tell all your friends that question their faith that they are all part of my creation. They are part of my grand design.

I didn't want to tell God that I still didn't understand why bad things happen to innocent people, so I decided to take his pronouncement as correct as a matter of faith. He must have heard my thoughts because He said,

"Now you are starting to get the message, spread the word."


Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Are Your Hormones Out Of Whack?

Johnny can’t help himself. Even when he becomes a full grown man he has the raging hormones of a teenager. He is a veritable genius whose aggressive genes make him act out most of his fantasies as his emotions boil over.

Johnny’s raging hormones lead him to a life on the edge. Moving swiftly from one affair to the next, he experiments with anything that will put his life in jeopardy such as drinking and drugs and sadistic women.

He thrives on living life to the fullest, and sometimes more than one life. Part of the time he feels he exists in different worlds at the same time thanks in part to quantum computing and his belief a game master is creating virtual worlds and alternate realties for him to live in.

Johnny seeks salvation in a new religion he creates called Dialectic Spiritualism, which promotes touching other people in their private essentials to help them find their inner selves. His weird concept of faith leads him to discover that he does believe in God.

He can’t, however, stop his aggressive out of control hormones from getting him in trouble when he falls onto the raging rocks of an inlet of despair, attempts suicide at college, falls off the roof of his fraternity house during a drunken party, crashes his plane in the jungle, parents a seven foot tall giant, hallucinates in a drug infused frenzy that giant watermelons are falling from the sky filled with beautiful women, or enters into an adulterous affair with a movie starlet when newly married to the love of his life, Jody.

Constantly striving for his own redemption, Johnny crosses the Country trying to help others find salvation, and he goes on National TV to promote his causes, but his dark side gets the better of him as he is captured in pictures printed in the newspapers hog tied and stripped naked in an orgy of masochism.

In a state of despair after his followers leave him, he loses touch with reality and even consciousness only to be redeemed by God with the help of his inner self – a one-foot tall albino dressed in a boy scout uniform who is responsible for Johnny’s new beginning.

Hi, this is Arthur Levine author of the novel Johnny Oops, find out why Johnny’s hormones are out of whack at http://tinyurl.com/67d5hae

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Are You Searching for God?

I feel like I have spent most of my adult life sinning and than searching for God to find salvation. What about you are you secure in your faith or are you searching for God also? Are you a sinner looking for salvation like me, or a person of faith who is beyond reproach? Most of us I think are both.

Maybe even doubters and sinners are entitled to be people of faith. Could it be that it’s a matter of intent? Could it be that my wanting to find God counts?

I have been searching for God in all kinds of places. I have looked for Him in organized religions, in the traditions of my parents, and in the teachings of many wise gurus. With years of practice in searching for God under my belt, I have decided that the search for God is a deeply personal thing. It is a quest whose journeys end will be dictated by using my imagination and awakening the deepest feelings of my innermost soul.

I have come to the conclusion that we can share the search, we can share our thoughts, but each of us must find their faith in God in our own way.

It’s a matter of perception. It’s a matter of how much I can use my mind and heart to determine my version of God. Many have told me that there is only their way to God. Many have told me that I need to follow a set format. But I believe I have to follow my instincts in my search for God. I must determine for myself what God means to me.

We can share the journey, but it is I alone that can find the faith in God that I have been searching for – the God of my dreams.

In different perceptions of God, we can even share believing.

If you want to search together, come take my hand, but the God you are searching for is of your minds making.

Arthur Levine is the author of the Faith Patch Manual and The Magic of Faith and the novel Johnny Oops. For more information on finding your faith please visit http://johnnyoops.blogspot.com

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hold The Presses, Johnny Oops Thoughts Are Running Off the Page

New York, NY—Johnny Oops, the principal character in the novel by the same name has such a vivid imagination that it’s hard to contain his thoughts to the printed page.

Unlike you or I, Johnny is not in the least inhibited. He is used to saying what he thinks and meaning what he says. How he comes up with wild story after wild story that baffles the good intentions of the author is beyond contemplation. Let’s just say that it’s hard for the author to keep up as Johnny jumps from one world to another and from one reality to the next.

Join Johnny Oops as he charges across the country acting as if he were a prophet, sinning like a charlatan, and in his own way attempting to spread the word of God by touching other people. Travel with him as he survives a plane crash in Venezuela, drowning in France, and a stabbing at his home in California. Enjoy yourself with Johnny as he discovers his inner self—a one-foot tall albino with pink eyes dressed in a Boy Scout uniform. Suffer with him as his scandalous affairs are revealed. Have fun trying to predict what Johnny will do and say next in his self appointed role as a guru. Question with Johnny whether everything that is happening is real.

And if that isn’t enough, with Johnny there is always more. Watch as Johnny reaches out to touch other people in the privacy of their inner souls.

What does, womanizer, sex maniac, prophet, charlatan, and genius have in common? They all aptly describe Johnny Oops. Johnny spends his time veering from one reality to another as he travels different worlds and experiences numerous second comings, and tries to fathom whether he is being controlled by a game master in a virtual reality game or is actually in the service of God.

Johnny Oops, The Rocket Fuel Of Captivating Fiction

Available for only $0.99 on Kindle and in print on Amazon.com at $14.95
