Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Work At Home

Search For God
Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box.
Keywords: Work at Home, Living Longer Longevity, New Middle Aged Group, Internet
© Copyright Arthur Levine 2007
Words: 551

Work At Home

The Longevity Express is here. People are starting to live longer faster than ever before. Isn’t it wonderful? The average age is now around eighty and climbing quicker than the actuarial tables have estimated. People in their fifties and sixties now consider themselves part of the new middle aged. More and more of them are starting to work from home.

Where will it all end? No one knows, but certain scientists are estimating average life spans of well over one hundred in the not to distant future. At this rate people in their seventies may soon consider themselves middle aged.

What are we doing to prepare for this Longevity Express? We better do some planning before we end up with a train wreck.

Planning For The future:

1. What will the health and life insurance people do when faced with masses of people in their nineties plus looking for coverage?
2. What will happen to Social Security and Medicare?
3. Will the demand for new life prolonging drugs continue unabated?
4. Will people have to modify their wills and trusts to account for grandchildren and great grandchildren?
5. Will body part cloning become a reality?
6. How will corporations deal with an aging work force?
7. What are the social ramifications of Longevity re marriage, sex, and divorce?
8. Will children have to provide more care to parents?
9. Will there be enough assisted living facilities?
10. Will people living to one hundred plus have the mental and physical capacity to lead worthwhile, primarily pain free, productive lives?

Enough attention is not being paid to the side effects of the Longevity Express. It will have major effects on our economy and in fact on our philosophy of life.

Perhaps the most important effect of people living longer is a need to provide them with ways to continue to be productive members of our economy. This opens the door to more and more people seeking their own work at home business opportunities that are compatible will their well-earned desire for more leisure time.

Our aging population will need to rely on their experience, life knowledge, and an appreciation of the technological opportunities available to them to create an online business on the Internet.

They needn’t fear not being computer savvy because there are programs out there that will get them started with their own free Web site, which they can individualize the content of to create their own brand.

These work at home online opportunities will enable older people to once more become productive elements in our society and give them a sense of independence. It will give them a forum to express their views and share their knowledge with others. It will help shape the new social order that is speeding to us on the Longevity Express.

Arthur Levine is the author of numerous articles showing people how they can become constructive members of the new middle-aged group (people in their fifties and sixties plus). To learn how to make a new beginning, work at home, and start over, access:

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Yes You Can – Work At Home

Search For God
Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box.
Keywords: Work at Home, New Middle Aged Group, New Beginning, Starting Over, New Start
© Copyright Arthur Levine 2007
Words: 875

You have probably wondered whether people like yourself in their fifties or sixties who are part of the new middle aged group can find profitable work from home opportunities on the Internet that they can turn into businesses of their own.

The answer is yes, but you have to be careful. There are a lot of scams out there and it is sometimes difficult to tell the hype from the real opportunities.

Be wary of extravagant claims that you can become an instant millionaire.

Be concerned about testimonials that look too good to be true, they probably are.

Be careful if you are told the offer is absolutely free. Somewhere along the line the promoter of the package has to make a profit by selling you something.

Watch out for unscrupulous operators that say you need only work a few minutes or hours a day to make a fortune.

Setting up a new work at home business on line is like any other business development start-up. It will take work, time, effort, and due diligence on your part. Just as it would with any new business.

The place to begin I think is to determine what your special interests are and what you are good at.

Then look for a niche area on the Internet where you and your new Company can take advantage of your talents, and you can become a star and get noticed by google so lots of people or traffic will visit your site to see what you have to offer.

You don’t have to worry about not being a computer expert. There are plenty of programs out there that will show you what to do and even set up a Web site for you. The trick is to determine which opportunities are real, and what offers make the most sense to you.

Specifically, try and determine which package is going to get you the results you want without compromising your principals, or costing you a small fortune in what are called up sells or add on features that you weren’t told about initially. Eventually you may have to compromise between your desire for perfection, and the need to get things done in an efficient, timely and economical manner.

Try and pin down what is included in the offer you are looking at, and what the extras if any are going to be before you make a final decision. Do some research. Check what others are saying on google about the package or program you are interested in. Be careful that you aren’t just reading glorified advertisements. And remember that most programs come with a money guarantee in case you don’t think the product is worth what you paid for it.

You can start your own Web site by yourself if you are really computer savvy, but the costs of needed programs such as auto responders, SEO optimization, tracking software, PPC advertising, and shopping carts can often be prohibitive when you are first starting out. The time it takes to operate and install these programs and develop sales literature can divert your attention from offering your audience valuable information and E information products, which they may want to buy, and which will establish your relationship as an expert.

Sometimes it is better to take an established product and free Web site that programs in all the tools you need to make affiliate sales of other peoples products for a hefty commission, and concentrate your energies on delivering valuable free content to your visitors by writing articles and distributing them through the top article submission services so that people are attracted to your Web site by the information you have to offer. Then you have to get them to buy something or get them on an email list by offering them something of value.

Sometimes it pays to start out by using an established program. You can always add your own bells and whistles and personal flourishes once you have learned the basics.

Start out with the assumption that you are embarking on a new learning experience, and you and your new friends and customers will not be disappointed. Try and make it a shared learning experience – a cooperative effort.

Starting over with a new work from home business can be fun and profitable if you rely on the knowledge and experience that got you to this point in your life. Don’t question your own sound judgment or instincts. You can start a new career from home in your fifties and sixties. You can enjoy a new success as part of the new middle-aged group. You can start over and make a new beginning if you just have faith in yourself and the Almighty.

Arthur Levine is the author of numerous articles showing people how they can become constructive members of the new middle-aged group (people in their fifties and sixties plus). To learn how to make a new beginning, work at home, and start over, access:

Monday, February 05, 2007

Working From Home Seniors

Search For God
Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box.
Keywords: New Middle Aged Group, New Beginning, Starting Over, New Career, New Venture, Work at Home, Baby Boomers, Seniors
© Copyright Arthur Levine 2007
Words: 584

I can’t afford to retire; I need additional income to support my wife and I in the lifestyle we are accustomed to. Our pensions and savings just don’t do the trick.

Sound familiar? Too many people in their fifties and sixties plus are discovering that they need to find a way to supplement their retirement incomes.

They don’t want to continue to work in the jobs they have held all their lives. They want to be on their own working from home in their own business.

They want more leisure time, more income, and more respect. The good news is they are entitled to it and there are opportunities out there that they can take advantage of with minimal investments of their time and money.

The best news is that today people in their fifties and sixties are no longer really considered Seniors. They are part of the new middle class group consisting mostly of Baby Boomers who have taken care of themselves and have the energy, spirit, and attitude to start over and make a new beginning with a new work from home opportunity of their choosing.

It’s important that these Seniors/New Middle Aged Group be aware that there are scam artists out there waiting to take advantage of them and their emotional responses to their new situation.

You should watch out for these phony opportunities by making a check list of things to do to help you determine if the work from home opportunity you are checking out is real and worthwhile.

1. Does the Company make claims of giving you instant riches?
2. Does it tell you this opportunity will only take a few minutes of your time?
3. Does it tell you the opportunity is totally free?
4. Does it promote how many millionaires they have made?
5. Do they have real worthwhile testimonials from current users?
6. Do they have a Better Business Bureau clear record?
7. Do they offer e-mal and telephone support from live agents?

The list could go on, but you get the idea. You need to check out work from home opportunities the same way you would check out a business that you were going to buy that isn’t Internet based.

That’s right, the chances are that these work at home opportunities are Internet based. Don’t get scared off because you are not a computer expert.

The better work at home opportunities offer tons of free advise and some will actually set up your business for you so that you and they can joint venture the promotion of work at home products.

You should look at starting a work at home business on the Internet as a learning experience. The more you learn, the better you will be at what you are doing. You are not too old to learn, are you?

That’s right, you are going to have to get some new experience to go with the wealth of knowledge you have acquired over a lifetime.

Arthur Levine is the author of numerous articles showing people how they can become constructive members of the new middle-aged group (people in their fifties and sixties plus). To learn how to make a new beginning and start over, access: http://www.neweraliving.com

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box.
Keywords: New Middle Aged Group, New Beginning, Starting Over, New Career, New Venture, Work at Home, Baby Boomers
© Copyright Arthur Levine 2007
Words: 491

New Middle Age Group And Their New Careers

There are over 78 million Baby Boomers, and a lot of them are getting ready to start new careers as they enter a new stage in their lives and prepare to reenter the work force.

Many people in their forties, fifties and sixties who consider themselves part of the new middle aged group are searching for new careers where they can take advantage of their vast experience and prior successes.

Some have decided to start a second career because they need more money to fund the type of lifestyle they want to continue to enjoy.

Some have decided to start a new career because they feel good and just don’t want to retire.

Some like the sense of accomplishment that comes from working and being creative.

Whatever the reason, there is a large group of people who want to find something to do that can bring them income and or personal satisfaction, and the ability to work at home for as many hours as they wish.

One has to be careful because there are many scam artists out there looking to take advantage of this situation and hawking a variety of get rich quick schemes.

One rule of thumb to follow is if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. If it promises instant riches with little or no work it is probably a phony.

There are, however, legitimate opportunities out there in the market place, that depending on your talents, interests, and background, might be worth pursing if you are interested in starting over.

The question is what can you expect when starting a new venture – probably the same type of thing you have been used to in the past in a new Internet based format.

You still have to answer the questions who wants to buy what I will be offering, and are there enough of them to make my venture profitable?

You will have to decide for yourself if the project you are considering offers you a really substantial money making opportunity, or if you are just going to be wasting your time and spinning your wheels.

Whatever you decide to do, please remember the words that God in His infinite wisdom may be whispering in your ear.

“Yes you can. You can do anything you set your mind to. All you need is faith in yourself and in Me.”

Arthur Levine is the author of numerous articles showing people how they can become constructive members of the new middle-aged group (people in their forties, fifties and sixties) and learn how to start over. To learn how to make a new beginning, access: http://www.neweraliving.com
Search For God