Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Holiday

Search For God

Hi, best wishes to everyone for a happy holiday and a happy new year.

Arthur Levine

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

When Marketing to The New Middle Aged - Stop and Listen to Your Heart

Sometimes statistics don’t tell the whole story. Sometimes over reliance on historical data can lead us in the wrong direction. When marketing to people in the new middle aged group (NMA), those in their fifties and sixties, sometimes we have to stop and listen to our hearts.

NMA people rely heavily on their instincts, emotions and their faith. That’s what we marketers of products and services have to do when we are dealing with them. That’s what we should do when we are trying to sell them something. We have to try and anticipate what they want and how they feel and respond in an emotional appeal that they will relate to.

Many of the NMA people rely on their faith to help them find their way. They have a keen sense of spirituality. It is wiser to appeal to them on an emotional basis than it is to rely solely on a logical argument or on boring reasoned judgment. Try and tell a story that will interest them so that they can start to relate to you and your marketing message.

Let the NMA know that you are a real person who can feel their pain and share their joy. If you do they will start to relate to you and the product you are trying to sell them. Be careful not to puff or embellish the facts. The NMA have good instincts. That’s how they got to this stage to begin with. They can almost sense a deception or a deceptive sales practice or pitch. Don’t try it. Tell the truth.

If there are minor problems with the product you are selling let them know what they are at the same time you are listing the benefits. NMA people are smart enough to make their own decisions. They will appreciate your candor.

Don’t try and sell the NMA what you think they should buy. Offer them what they want. Do the marketing research necessary to find out what they really want. Don’t prejudge what you think their interests are. And whatever you do, don’t stereotype them by their age group.

With the NMA it is often how they feel about themselves that dictates what they are interested in purchasing. Does anyone have a handle on what percentage of people over fifty own, or want to own sports cars? Does anyone have an idea of how spiritualism drives the buying decisions of the NMA? Where are the studies that indicate what effect sex drive has on NMA buying decisions?

The key here I think is to realize that the NMA need to have their interests and desires taken into consideration. Being fifty plus isn’t all a matter of what painkillers you take. It involves passion and desire and the wish to have fun. It involves the desire to lead interesting active lives. It involves a holistic alternative approach to medicine as well as utilizing the latest medical advances and chemical drug treatments. It involves anticipating their spiritual needs.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Customer Service Is Dead – Members of The New Middle Aged Let’s Revolt

Search For God

Have any of you tried solving a problem you have with a
Retail Store, Bank, Gas Company, Cable Company, Internet Service Provider, Discount Store Chain, Credit Card Company, and or a Government Organization lately?

If you have you will probably have discovered that it is almost impossible to get a live person on the phone as opposed to the click 1, click 3, click 2, click 4 merry go-round these organizations send you on by phone to make sure you never speak to a real person.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to speak to virtual Sally. I want a real person to help me solve my problem. I don’t want to speak to someone in the Philippines, or be transferred to someone in India who is trying to read from a script in an American Accent when what I want is to speak to someone in the US who could possibly relate to my problem.

I am also getting tired of receiving bills with two weeks or less left in a twenty-five day billing cycle because the Company in question was too cheap to send the bill out by first class mail. Who decided a month was twenty-five days anyway? Why shouldn’t I have a full thirty days to pay my bill? After all the billing company wants me to pay by first class mail and allow eight to ten days for their inefficient PO Box handling systems to sort the mail.

It’s time to revolt against the death of customer service. The only one you can get on the phone these days is the telephone company. No wonder, they are making a bloody fortune with all the voice answering customer service robot voices Company’s are putting on the phone these days to stop us from getting our problems solved by a real person.

It has gotten so bad that in some major NYC department stores if you have a problem you have to take the elevator to an office floor and talk on the phone to a customer service voice located in a different state or country because they are afraid to let you speak to a live person in the store you are in who might answer your question or take a return or give you a credit, God forbid.

Sorry, I am getting worked up as you can see. Back to the subject – let’s revolt. That’s right, let’s let these organizations know we aren’t going to be pushed around anymore. For all of you who are fifty plus and remember the good old days when Company’s tried to provide good customer service, I am sure you will understand. Let’s do the following:

1. If you have a problem and get put on with a computer voice response system, hang up, call the Office of the President and tell them you have to speak to a live person or you are canceling your account.
2. If you get a bill with less than two weeks left to pay send a registered letter to the Office of the President telling him or her that you require thirty days from receipt of a bill to pay, and if this is not acceptable you are canceling your account. Tell them that if you receive a late payment fee you will refer the matter to the Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission and or the Public service Commission, if it is a cable, utility or telephone bill.
3. If you get put on the phone with India or the Philippines, tell whomever you speak to that you can’t understand them. Then hang-up and call the Office of the President and tell the operator you want someone in the states to handle your problem or you are going take your business to their competitor, God help you.

If enough of these calls get placed to the Office of the President, even if you have to leave a message, the chances are the executive voice mail defense experts in charge will start to get the message that they are dealing with intelligent people who are fifty plus and are members of the New Middle Aged, and that we are not going to take this anymore.

They might even have their live customer service representatives ask if there is anything else they can do for us, or say, I hope this has solved your problem, or ask, do you have any other questions? They might even come up with the bright idea that this might afford them the opportunity to up sell another product to us while creating good will and customer loyalty.

It is possible that if we all have faith and we all work together we can get these genius marketers to understand that selling us something might just depend on what kind of service they give us, and that getting us as repeat customers will depend on the level of their customer service and our ability to speak to a real person.

To find out more about becoming a founding member of the New Middle Aged group and enjoy all the benefits you are entitled to please contact us at my blog or Web site.

Arthur Levine is a freelance writer of articles, sales letters, and press releases who usually
includes an element of faith in his writing. He specializes in marketing to people over fifty.
He is the author of The Magic of Faith and a Ghostwriter. Check out more of his writing at
his blog: or contact him at

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I Used To Smell Real Stinky Like My Grandchildren

Search For God

Draft Sales Letter

Then I Quit Smoking

I couldn’t believe it. My daughter and son-in-law invited my wife and I to join them for dinner at our favorite local Italian Restaurant to celebrate my wife’s birthday and the one-month anniversary of my quitting smoking. When they came into the restaurant where we were waiting for them, my two grandchildren ages seven and eleven, fresh from their Saturday afternoon soccer games, and still in their uniforms, ran over and gave me a kiss and my wife a bunch of yellow roses, I noticed immediately that they smelled real stinky and the roses smelled great. I was so happy because now that I have stopped smoking, I can smell things again and I smell good too. I feel so much better. It’s like a miracle.

I want to let you in on the secret that made things start smelling good again for me.

I quit smoking. Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t easy to quit at first. I was worried that after smoking for more than forty years, I wouldn’t be able to do it, but I quit smoking and you can too. You are never too old to quit smoking.

I was amazed that I had the willpower and the strength to finally quit smoking. I don’t know who was more surprised, my wife or me. I have to tell you that I am quite proud of myself, and you can be too with the help of the XXXXX® patch because it can give you the security of knowing that you can successfully fight your cravings to smoke.

If you are like me, you are a do it yourself type of person. I’m used to making my own decisions and quitting smoking was no exception, but having the security of the XXXXX® patch sure doesn’t hurt because it’s nice to have a little extra support when you are making a major change in your life.

Wouldn’t you like your cloths to stop smelling of cigarette smoke?

About a week after I quit smoking I took all the cloths in my closet to the cleaners. I couldn’t stand the way they smelled. Can you imagine how my wife must have felt all those years when I was smoking and stinking up the place? But why worry about the past. This is a new beginning for my family and me and it can be a wonderful new beginning for you.

All you need is the faith in yourself that you can quit. Don’t worry if you question whether you are strong enough to stop. You don’t have to do this alone. You can have the comfort and support of the XXXXXX® patch to help make your transition to a smoke free success story possible. You can do it. With the help of the Nicocure® patch you can take control of your like. You can start to feel good about yourself.

Stop Smoking The All Natural Way

No more sneaking out to the porch for a smoke at your children’s house. No more blowing the smoke out the window at home so it doesn’t go over to your wife’s side of the couch when you are watching TV. No more finding an excuse to get up from the dinner table early so that you can smoke. No more trying to hide your coughing or that you are short of breathe. You can break the habit that has been running and ruining your life for years with the XXXXXX® patch.

What I needed to get started was the security of knowing that I could quit smoking without experiencing terrible cravings or withdrawal symptoms. That’s the security and peace of mind that the XXXXX® patch will provide you with. It can smooth your passage to being an ex-smoker. It can help make the transition easy. For some people, just knowing that the XXXXX® patch is there is enough to give them the courage to quit.

Do you remember how great you felt when you were young and didn’t smoke? Wouldn’t you like to feel that way again? When was the last time you could smell the roses? When was the last time food tasted really good to you?

Wouldn’t you like your food to taste good again?

Wouldn’t you like your grandchildren to stop bugging you to stop smoking? Wouldn’t you like to be a hero in their eyes? Wouldn’t you like to live long enough to enjoy your grandchildren? Don’t you want to set a good example? Wouldn’t you like to be able to smell and taste things again? I have to tell you that the spaghetti with meatballs I ordered at dinner with my grandchildren that night tasted terrific.

How Many times Have You Tried To Quit Before?

If you are like me, there have been times in your life when you really considered quitting smoking, but for one reason or another you didn’t, or you started to quit and stopped. Maybe you were too stressed. Maybe you were under financial pressure. Maybe you were experiencing personal problems. Maybe you just didn’t feel it was urgent to quit, but it is urgent because your health may be at stake. Maybe you didn’t have the XXXXX® patch to give you the security to make your quitting easier.

In my case I made all kinds of excuses to myself like, I don’t really smoke that much, I can quit anytime I want, and if I quit I will gain weight. I gained weight anyway because I didn’t feel good about myself, but now that I have quit I lost the extra weight because I can breathe freer and exercise more. I always had a bunch of excuses ready to keep me from quitting, but there really is no excuse when you have XXXXXX ® patches.

Whatever the reason, it is urgent to quit now because your health is at stake. It’s urgent for the well being of your spouse and your family. Don’t forget those stinky grandchildren. They have a right not to breathe in second hand smoke when you come to visit, don’t they? I hope that the thought of their wellbeing will propel you to quit now.

It was really terrible. The cigarettes were controlling me.

I would have to have a cigarette as soon as I woke up in the Morning. Before I went to bed I would count my cigarettes to be sure I had enough until I went out in the morning to get the newspapers. I would even go out to get cigarettes in a snowstorm if I ran out.

Let’s face it, nicotine is an addiction, and it is clever enough to give your mind a bunch of excuses as to why you shouldn’t quit smoking. Don’t let those excuses lead to a lifetime of addiction. Use the XXXXXX® patch to help you conquer the habit.

Are you ready to start feeling good about yourself?

I have faith in you. Do you have enough faith in yourself to try? This is a call to action to take control of your life and stop smoking. You can do it. You can change your life. You can start to feel better. You can quit smoking now with the help of the XXXXX® patch. Are you ready to start feeling good about yourself again? Are you ready to rediscover how good things can smell and taste? Are you ready to give your stinky grandchildren a hug?

When you quit smoking you can expect that within a short period of time you will:

∑ Breathe Easier

∑ Feel Better

∑ Stop Coughing

∑ Get Back Your Sense of Smell

∑ Be Able To Taste Food Again

∑ Have Your Cloths Smell Good

∑ Be Proud of Yourself

And most important, your circulation will start to improve immediately and your lungs begin to repair damage. You don’t have to take my word for it, that’s what the American Lung Association says.

Seize The Moment

I urge you to seize the moment. Stop feeding your mind a bunch of excuses. You can do it. Do it for yourself. Do it for your grandchildren. Do it for your whole family. Do it now. Quit smoking with the help of the XXXXX® patch.

Quit Smoking Now The All Natural, Safe, And Easy Way With XXXXXX®

XXXXXXX® amazing formula safely replicates the properties of nicotine fooling your mind into thinking it is getting its daily fix of nicotine while keeping you calm and relaxed during nicotine withdrawal. The XXXXX® patch fights the three major factors that get in the way of you quitting smoking:

∑ Nicotine addiction
∑ Withdrawal symptoms
∑ Nicotine intoxication

XXXXXX® is a simple to use and very effective way to assure success when you quit smoking. Using the XXXXX® patch allows the active herbal ingredients to penetrate the skin and reach the bloodstream faster than any other delivery method. It blocks up to 99% of the nicotine that you would normally inhale including second hand smoke while at the same time fooling your mind into thinking it is getting the nicotine it craves.

Would you rather do it the natural, easy way without ingesting more nicotine or put more nicotine in your body in a substitute form. The all natural herbal ingredients in XXXXX® patches provide a natural substitute for nicotine and help make cigarettes taste terrible while at the same time eliminating all cravings for nicotine and stopping withdrawal symptoms.

Take it from me, it all comes down to the fact that to quit smoking you have to get off nicotine, and without the natural ingredients in XXXXXX® patches withdrawal symptoms from nicotine can be very unpleasant.

Don’t you want a safe, natural, easy way to quit smoking?

Aren’t you tired of having cigarettes control your life? I was, that’s why I finally decided to quit. It didn’t hurt that I discovered that even people over fifty could add years to their lives by quitting. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and it’s your life.

∑ Did you know that within twenty minutes of quitting your heart rate calms down?

∑ Did you know that within eight hours of quitting there is more oxygen in your blood, mucus begins to clear out of you lungs and this makes breathing easier?

∑ Did you know that within forty-eight hours things smell and taste better?

*(Add 3-4 TESTIMONIALS here – Use actual names and city and state addresses)

It’s up to you. It’s your life.

When was the last time you could climb up four flights of stairs, or take a ten-block walk, or chase after your grandchildren without feeling out of breath?

Don’t miss this opportunity to change your life for the better. Take advantage of this one time offer to help make you breathe easier again, feel better, and taste and smell all the wonderful things that a smoke free life of good health have to offer you.

In the final analysis it is what you want and what you desire that counts. If you truly want to quit smoking, I believe that XXXXXX® is the way to go? If you really want to make your family happy and give yourself the opportunity to live a longer healthier life, then quitting smoking now is the thing to do. To help you make the decision to quit smoking and to aid you in doing it the natural, easy, and safe way XXXXX® is offering you:

*(Place special offer and bonuses to act now here)

*(Place order now coupon or click here form here)

*(Offer money back guarantee)

P.S. For more information on XXXXX® patches go to

P.P.S. Don’t forget those stinky grandchildren. They are counting on you being around for a long time to come so act now.

Arthur Levine is a freelance copywriter. he can be contacted here or at his Website

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Marketing To The New Middle Age – Their Credo – Their Faith

Search For God

As baby boomers start turning sixty, and health care innovations continue to increase longevity, many people in their fifties, sixties, and even seventies have come to think of themselves as part of a new middle age.

This new group of middle age people (NMAP) has strong opinions of what they want to buy to make their lives happier and healthier and how they want to live. Marketing to them successfully requires getting rid of many of the myths and assumptions associated with this age grouping.

To some extent it is a matter of NMAP crying out, “I don’t need it, I don’t want it, give me all you got.” Isn’t it time we started listening to what they really want?

The successful marketer has to make a conscious effort to discern what NMAP really want as opposed to what current perceptions of what they want are. The idea that middle-age people won’t change brands easily is a myth. They will switch brands if they perceive that a different brand offers them something new or of greater value than their old brand.

The NMAP are interested in buying products that will enhance and prolong their active lifestyle including pain relievers, holistic treatments, and leisure products. They are also keen on financial products that will maximize their disposable income while providing security of principal. They want to spend and enjoy what they have while preserving their capital.

Another myth worth dispelling is that NMAP have survived and prospered because they have gotten rid of all their addictive vises. People over the age of forty-five still account for forty-two percent of all smokers, and even those over sixty-five still account for more than nine percent of smokers in the US. Is anyone making a concerted effort to sell the NMAP stop smoking programs?

There are more than seventy million grandparents in the US and Canada including more than thirty-nine million baby boomers who are interested in real estate, travel, health care products, finance, and autos. When was the last time you saw a automobile television ad featuring people in their sixties? But these are the very people that have the wealth to purchase expensive vechicles. It is time to start marketing to who the real potential customer is.

As divorce rates escalate, people over fifty may be as likely to be dating as their younger single counterparts. They may be in their prime earning years or returning to school or starting a new business. The old stereotypes no longer hold true. The NMAP are changing the consumer landscape with their vast purchasing power. To market to them effectively we have to change our perception of them.

MAP don’t think of themselves as old, and they don’t want to be marketed to as if they were. Ads that target ‘seniors’ or ‘the older generation” will not be well received. NMAP are very well aware of their limitations and don’t want to be reminded of the inevitable. What they really want is to live active and positive lives. They will buy products that will help them achieve their goals. They will buy products that make them feel good. In this respect they are just like everybody else. The key to higher sales is to determine what interests them.

Marketing to people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies, will be most successful when it appeals to their emotions and their instincts, rather than when it relies solely on reason. They have after all exhibited the good instincts and emotional wellbeing to get to this stage in their lives to begin with. Let’s give them what they really want. Let’s help them live longer and continue to prosper, keeping in mind that quality of life issues and faith in God are very important to most of them.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Find More Faith Today

Search For God

Sample Sales Letter


Find the faith to cope with the troubles of our time.

If you are like me there are times in your life when you question your faith or feel the need to have more faith. This may be due to personal problems or the threat of terrorism or natural disasters. Most of us need more faith to help us cope with the troubles of our time.

I think I’ve discovered the secret to helping you find more faith today.

My name is Arthur Levine and I’m the author of the book The Magic of Faith about a Magic Genie Faith Builder who I invented from my imagination when business reverses left me with too much time on my hands and little faith I could do anything worthwhile with it. Glorious helped me find the faith to cope with the troubled times we live in.

I would like to show you how to unlock your imagination, strip away years of inhibitions, and find more faith. I would like to introduce you to the Faith Patch Manual. Its 101 pages are designed to help you build your faith in God and make you feel terrific.

The Faith Patch can show people of all faiths, or little faith, or no faith, and specifically you how to use your imagination or Faith Patch to replace all these other temporary remedies with an abiding personal faith in God.

Have there have been periods in your life when you felt like you needed a crutch to help you avoid things like alcohol, smoking, or eating too much? Some of you may even have tried various forms of chemical patches or pills to help you avoid these problems. My Magic Genie friend Glorious and I have used our imaginations to invent a unique first of its kind Faith Patch. It can help solve your problems.

The Faith Patch Manual can show you how to avoid temporary measures and find a dynamic permanent cure. It worked for me and I feel strongly that it can work for you. Take a little leap of faith and allow Gods grace to shine upon you today?

The Faith Patch Manual can show you step-by-step how to:

Start to feel better about yourself

Learn to use your imagination to find more faith

Strip away your inhibitions

Find answers to your questions

Discover that you are a good and worthwhile person

Recognize that you are a person of faith

Stop patching yourself together

Take the little leaps of faith required to make you feel wonderful

I have included in the Faith Patch Manual 59 ‘little leaps’ of faith that you can take to help you find more faith. Stop trying to patch yourself together and use the Faith Patch to solve your problems.

You may be amazed at how great using these “little leaps” of faith will make you feel. It may seem like a miracle, but it will only be you finding your faith.

The Faith Patch Manual can show you how to find peace of mind. It can open your eyes to the fact that you are entitled to be a person of faith. It can help you feel good about yourself.

Sometimes It Takes a Little Imagination to Believe in What You Cannot See or Understand

How many times have you said to yourself, “I wish I were a Person of Faith like Johnny. I wish I had his firm conviction” You can be a Person of Faith if you take the ‘little leaps’ of faith necessary to strip away your inhibitions and use your imagination to find your faith.

Discover the ultimate Internet tool to find God

Examine amazing imagination unlocking techniques

Review ‘little leaps’ of faith stories

Learn how to strip away your inhibitions

Find out how to cope with your problems

Learn how to pray to God

Join Glorious and I on a Journey of faith

Have you ever faced a difficult situation that you feared you couldn’t handle when a voice deep inside you said, “Yes, maybe I can do this, maybe I can handle this problem?” That’s your faith rooted deep down in your soul talking to you.

Discover the wonders of being a Person of Faith. Find out how easily you can find your faith. Strip away the inhibitions that are holding you back. Use your imagination to become a Person of Faith.

When you order today you will receive 3 free faith-based gifts:

1. Magic Pill and faith-building instructions
Comes with a free Certificate of Sharing to give to loved ones and friends to express your newfound faith.
Value – Unlimited

2, Faith Index Quiz
Shows you how much faith you really have.
Value – Unlimited

3. A free membership in the Faith Builders CLUB
Join the army of the truly righteous, become a Faith Builder
VALUE – Unlimited

Our Guarantee:
If you have not found more faith within 90 days by using the Faith Patch Manual, you can receive a full unconditional refund.

I like to imagine that I can listen to your thoughts as you search for more faith through the pages of my easy to use Faith Patch Manual. There is so much that I would like to share with you to help you find more faith. I hope it helps you discover the format for a new beginning. I hope it gives you more strength, greater happiness, peace of mind, and more faith. I have faith that it will and that I will hear from you. I am listening.

Take a ‘little leap’ of faith and order now. A future as a Person of
Faith is waiting for you. Hurry, God may be waiting to hear from you!

Click here to purchase the “FAITH PATCH MANUAL” for only $19.95

Instant Access – Instant download in PDF format
ClickBank secure credit card processing

P.S. Don’t wait, order your Faith Patch Manual now at the introductory price. Learn how to cope with your problems through faith today. Discover the secret to becoming a Person of Faith.

CJ Enterprises LLC
P.O. Box 980
New York, NY 10021

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lansco Realty Corporation One Ups The Competition

Search For God

Sample Press Release

Lansco Realty Corporation One Ups The Competition

Introduces No Cost Leasehold Management Supervision

New York, NY (PRWEBDirect) –July 1, 2006 - Continuing its long history as an innovator in real estate leasing, Lansco announces a no cost lease management service available to all tenants. Now Lansco provides tenants a way to outsource their leasehold supervision expenses.

Tenants no longer have to worry about missing renewal dates. With Lansco’s help they can avoid costly penalty fees and free themselves from hidden costs.

There will be no more surprises with Lanso’s dedicated lease supervision. Whether you are a current client of Lansco or a potential client you can enjoy all the benefits of Lansco’s leasehold management supervision experience.

Let Lansco handle the details so that your fine Company will be free to manage your business.

Join the innovators and experience first hand what personal service and dedication are all about. At Lansco our prime objective is to maximize the value you get for your real estate leasing expenditures.

We provide moving and relocation cost studies, impact studies, future growth planning strategies to dispose of excess space, and incisive financial analysis for both retail and office leases that have helped make Lansco New York’s Premier Tennant Brokerage Firm.

The Lansco Corporation, founded in 1965, provides strategic real estate advisory services for the commercial real estate market. We offer a well thought out value-added concept for every negotiation. Lansco is a founder of Corfac International and Chain Links, providing commercial real estate services on a national and international basis. Our mission is to coordinate all the elements necessary for you to maximize your cost savings on leasehold expenses.

Vice President

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Sample Sales letter

Search For God

601 Carlson Parkway, Suite 1050
Minnetonka, MN 55305

Are you waiting for the miracle of limitless exposure?

Do you want high frequency at an unbelievably low cost?

Hi, I’m Chris Jones, National Sales Director with Heatwave Mobile Advertising with a special offer for you. I can’t solve all your media problems, but I sure can help you with unbelievably low cost advertising that offers you terrific exposure, reach, and frequency to meet your advertising needs.

Here at Heatwave Mobile advertising we use the latest technology to provide 20 – 53 foot rolling billboards displaying your marketing message nationally, regionally and locally where you want to be noticed?

If you are like me you are constantly on the lookout to find truly inexpensive advertising media to supplement your print, television and radio advertising. Our normal CPM of less than one dollar does the trick for me and I am sure it can do the same for you. See it for yourself when you hear our amazing one time offer. Yes that’s right we are using our own trucks to advertise Heatwave.

Would you like to see clarity at 60 mph?

Our no bumps, no wrinkles, no seams applied vinyl is installed quickly on truck side panels not painted or glued onto the sides of trucks. This high quality vinyl seems to last forever, and the panels can be changed and reused easily to account for changing seasons, or to allow for new promotions.

We pride ourselves on our easy, Arbitron tested, marketing program. At Heatwave guesswork is out of the question. We can provide affidavit-proofed advertising at the lowest possible rate.

Tremendous Brand exposure is just a hip and a hop across the highway when you burn up the competition with Heatwave Mobiles best of the road advertising media.

Did you drive to work today?

Take a swing at your competition by painting a high quality impression on the consumers mind. Let a dedicated fleet of trucks sport your personal image and brand. Over 95% of consumers are on the road weekly.

Can you picture in your mind an advertising medium that prevents channel surfing or station switching in a streaming non interrupt environment? You can’t avoid a Heatwave Ad on the road. There is no escape from a targeted view by your potential customers.

I do have to admit that our advertising media is not for everyone. You or your client may be ready for the highly targeted national presence we can provide, but please keep in mind that we specialize in regional and local programs at a truly low cost. If you can’t afford us you can’t afford to advertise. We are the common man’s image-makers. We deliver a unique presence. We make your product or service highly visible on demand on the highway.

Do you want it to look good enough to eat?

With our picture perfect high-resolution digital imaging, your ads will look delectable. Under our exclusive joint venture with Super Color we provide a high quality crisp color image that jumps out at the consumer and makes their mouths water to try what you have to offer.

Do you ever let your imagination run wild?

Try and visualize how excited you will be when you take your family or friends for a drive and spot a Heatwave truck sporting your ad. We provide detailed route schedules to help make this possible.

Do you want to be king of the road?

When you use Heatwave mobile advertising, the trucks you use are exclusive to you. That means you own the advertising space on both sides of the truck. No one on the road will pass your ad by without looking. You have the right of way all the time.

Would you like to make your customers happy?

When you advertise with Heatwave, you will achieve a high level of customer satisfaction. We will show your products and services in larger than life picture perfect images.

Are you tired of advertising claims that don’t pan out?

I would like to assure you that at Heatwave we deliver what we offer. On the road delivery is our business and what we deliver is high quality advertising at a really low price. We pay personal attention to your needs and strive to customize each advertising package to satisfy your advertising requirements.

This is our guarantee.

We will deliver what we promise. We will deliver best of the road advertising. We will deliver great exposure at the lowest possible price.
We will deliver an advertising package to you that will make you happy.

This is our special one time offer.

For the first 50 qualified members of the press or potential advertisers to call us for more information on our advertising program we will send you a free scaled model truck with your Company Ad and Logo on it.

For details of our program and your free truck, contact Chris Jones at:

Monday, October 30, 2006

Am I part of The New Middle Age or Am I a Senior Citizen?

Search For God

How people consider what part of the age spectrum they are in is changing rapidly as Baby Boomers start turning sixty. With the advent of new health initiatives and drugs, many people in their sixties, and even seventies faced with the prospect of living longer healthier lives no longer think of themselves as seniors. They consider themselves part of the new middle age – a group that in their minds spans from fifty to seventy-five plus.

Post Baby Boomers have little interest in full retirement. They want to continue to work and prosper. Many of them want a change in career. Their desires vary from wanting to be consultants to owning their own business. Some want to work less and have more leisure time. Others are more interested in doing something that they really want to do than how much of their time the new project occupies.

One reason they commonly give for wanting to continue to work is because they have faith that they can. They feel good, have plenty of energy, and believe they have a valid experience based reason to be a productive part of our business society.

Employers are not fully prepared for this new middle class, but those that are attempting to make the adjustment in corporate thinking are learning how valuable these new middle age employees can be. Many Companies now prefer to hire older people on an outsourced part time consulting basis, finding their experience and level headed thinking makes them valuable additions to their workforce.

The new middle class is surprising corporate executives with their inquisitiveness and desire to learn new things. They are also renewing their interest in religion because they are not unmindful of their own mortality even if they are only middle age.

It’s nice to see this new middle class continuing and renewing their search for God. It’s nice to see them expressing the faith in God that has gotten them to this new juncture in their lives.

Arthur Levine is a freelance writer who always includes an element of faith in his writing.
He is the author of The Magic of Faith. Check out more of his writing at: and at his blog

Sunday, October 29, 2006

How Does God Rate In The Polls?

Search For God

God better watch out. The devil may be gaining on Him.

According to a Fox News poll, ninety-two percent of the U.S. population believes in God. This is interesting because the PEW Research Institute has statistics that show that roughly forty-nine percent of the population attends houses of worship on a regular basis and forty-nine percent attend rarely if at all. Evidently the concept of God is more popular than organized religion or going to Church. The Gallop Poll and the Harris Poll and an ABC News poll also confirm this, but God’s popularity percentage verses the popularity of going to church varies with each poll. Sometimes I suppose it depends on how the spirit moves you, or what and who you think that God is that determines where, why and how you search for God. Unfortunately according to this poll seventy-one percent of the population also believes that the devil exists, but this doesn’t mean he is popular or that anyone is searching for him – thank God.

Of course you can skew the poll results in many different ways depending on how you ask a question and interpret the results. Perhaps this is why the same Fox News poll shows that eighty-five percent of the population believes in Heaven. It is hard to determine if this means that seven percent of those that believe in God don’t think they stand a chance in hell of getting into Heaven (92%-85%=7%) or if they just don’t buy into the whole concept of there being a Heaven, but do believe in God just in case. This same poll shows that eighty-two percent of people believe in miracles. Does this mean that they are part of the vast majority of people who believe it will take a miracle for them to get into Heaven? To make matters worse, while the percentage of people believing in God has stayed relatively constant over the last few years or in some polls decreased, the percentage believing in the existence of the devil has increased from sixty-three percent to seventy-one percent over roughly the same period of time. I can’t figure out what the hell this part of the poll means. I suppose it is open to interpretation, but this trend doesn’t sound good to me.

I don’t think it is necessary in discussing polls about the popularity of God to mention that these polls are probably correct plus or minus 3% because I doubt that God is running against anybody. Which makes me stop and wonder why if there is no chance of anyone else but God winning, why would anyone take a poll to begin with? Do you think that the devil has anything to do with this insane desire on the part of certain news organizations to take polls about who does and doesn’t believe in God? Why can’t we leave the poll taking to the atheists? They know who they are, and since they represent such a small and unconvinced percentage (8%) of the population, they should be responsible for paying for these polls in my opinion, or do they have the privilege of invoking minority rights. And whom would they invoke them to anyway? They certainly can’t turn to God, can they?

There is an obvious Gender Gap in relationship to these God like polls with women more likely than men to believe in most categories including Miracles by twelve percent and Heaven by eight percent. The one notable exception is that thirty-nine percent of men believe in UFOs verses thirty percent of women. I don’t know what UFOs have to do with God, but my wife tells me that if I don’t get off the subject she is going to send me into outer space. I wonder if she is mad or just wants to give me an opportunity to meet my maker? Please don’t rush me honey, I think I am on a fast track as it is.

Of perhaps more value to this discussion on polls about God is the fact that Fox News says republicans are more likely by eight percent to ‘say’ they believe in God and by fifteen percent in Heaven and by seventeen percent in the devil, while democrats believe in reincarnation by fourteen percent more than republicans. What do they mean when they use the term “say”? Does that mean the republicans don’t really mean it? Why the disparity when if comes to believing in the devil? Are the republicans out to get his vote too? How should we interpret the figures on reincarnation? Does this mean the democrats are hoping they can come back as republicans or just hoping for a comeback? This is all too confusing.

Before we leave the subject of polls about God to their eternal resting place, I think it worth noting that this same poll indicates that young people are much more likely to believe in hell by a ratio of eighty-six percent to sixty-eight percent for those over seventy years old. The same applies to the devil by a ratio of seventy-nine percent to sixty-nine percent. Does this mean that for older Americans their hell raising days are over, or does it mean that the younger generations are hell bent on raising the devil with our established religious traditions? I don’t know. I don’t even know if the younger or older Americans understand their respective positions on hell and the devil any better than those of us caught in the hellish position of being middle aged, which by the way the poll doesn’t cover as an individual age group at all. I leave these weighty interpretations in God’s hands, who, without the benefit of polling statistics, I am sure, will find the grace to interpolate and understand.

The one part of the poll I am really happy about I saved for last. This one makes the whole polling thing worthwhile for me. It shows that fully sixty-nine percent of the population believe that religion plays too small a part in our lives. That’s what I’ve been saying all along.

Before I leave this exercise in my God given right to have opinions on polls about God, I should make note of the fact that Fox News says that their poll was conducted over two days by telephone to over 900 people. What about the rest of the almost three hundred million people in the United States? Don’t we get a say? Has anyone tried polling God for his input lately? I wonder what He would have to say about His poll numbers? I bet He will have the final say.

Arthur Levine is an expert and platinum author at His book The Magic of Faith can be previewed at

Monday, October 23, 2006

I’m Your Traffic Generator

Search For God

Where would you rather have your Web site, in a cornfield in Kansas or right in the middle of Manhattan?

Hi, I’m Arthur Levine, and I can help you build traffic to your Web site by producing and submitting articles for you to the leading article directories on the Internet. From there they get picked up by Internet Magazines (Ezines) for viewing by millions of their readers.

Which would you rather do, be googled or gobbled up by your competition because no one can see or find the description of your fine product or service?

You have to be seen to be understood. People have to know you are there in order to appreciate the great benefits you have to offer.

When I distribute articles for you they always include a short synopsis about you and your fine organization as well as your URL so that everyone will be able to find your Web site by just clicking on your hot linked Web address. Other Web sites will link to you. Your ranking with google will increase. You will establish a presence on the Internet.

All it takes is a click from an interested reader of your article and traffic is generated to your site. This means that the reader notices you, and google notices you. Stop wishing you had traffic and let me help you get it by distributing articles for you that will be seen all over the Web.

This means you will have left the cornfields of Kansas, and now reside in the hearts of your audience right in the middle of Manhattan.

This means more leads for your product of service. The final result is more sales and more business assuming your Website is user friendly.

I am so sure that you will find this service valuable, that I am offering to provide a free recommendation of changes to your Web site content to assure that it is user friendly. I am confident that when you see the potential, you will want to create more traffic to your Web site on an on going basis. I will be happy to do this for you for a reasonable fee.

Arthur Levine is a Platinum and Expert Author at who has written numerous articles including, “How To Send An E-mail To God”, and is the author of the Faith Patch Manual, which can be viewed at: and the Magic Of Faith which can be viewed at http:

P.S. I also offer my clients a full range of copywriting services including press releases, product or service sales letters, corporate white papers, and promotional material for nonprofits, churches, and social ministries. Samples of my work are available on request.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Continue Your Journey

Search For God
When you unlock your imagination you will soon discover that you are a good and worthwhile person who has good thoughts, means well, tries to help others, and wants to do something meaningful with your life. You will start to feel better about yourself, and learn to be more accepting of the fact that you are entitled to believe in God. You will begin to find more Faith. How can you hope to believe in God if you do not believe in yourself? You were made in his image, weren’t you? Use your imagination to help you discover this miracle of faith.

Use the Faith Patch Manual to find the inspiration to discover God.

When you read the Faith Patch Manual you will discover:

A. How to build your faith in God step by step.
B. How to express yourself.
C. How to marshal your spiritual resources
D. That you are entitled to be a person of faith.
E. How to make a new beginning.
F. The secrets of inspiration
G. How to open a dialogue with God.
H. Advanced faith finding techniques.
I. Who you really are.
J. Your gift from God.

Don’t wait to continue your journey to get inspired to find your faith. Don’t wait to discover the marvels of being a person of faith. Don’t wait to become inspired. Order the Faith Patch Manual now. Your journey to find God continues here at

Friday, October 06, 2006

Take a Little leap of Faith

Search For God
Take ‘little leaps’ of faith that will allow you to become a Person of Faith.

Most people live their lives according to a strict code of conduct instilled upon us by our traditions and value system. Most of this is good, but it limits our ability to look outside a set framework of beliefs to find more faith. Strip away these inhibitions. Unlock your imagination. Become inspired. Be willing to question the true nature of your faith. It could be the beginning of finding more faith. Use your imagination to help you expand your concept of faith. Use your imagination to reinforce the basic tenants of your faith. Learn to let your imagination help you to expand your horizons.

Take the ‘little leap’ of faith that shows you how to believe in what you cannot see or understand.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Continue Your Journey

Search For God
Beginning is always the difficult part, isn’t it? Deciding where to start and whose advice to follow can create problems and lead to indecision. Let’s start by using our imaginations to help us find our faith. Remember, in the final analysis it is not what I think that counts, it is what you believe, what your imagination tells you, that will determine your personal path to finding more faith in God.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Our Journey Starts Here

Search For God

I believe I know what you are thinking. I can sense it. My imagination tells me that you are searching for the inspiration to find more faith in God. You want peace of mind. You want to stop worrying about the troubles of our time. You want to be secure. I believe that by stripping away your inhibitions and unlocking your imagination you can realize your goals. Let’s go on a trip together to help you find more faith. Let’s begin a journey to help you feel wonderful. Let’s begin a quest to help you get inspired to find the magic of faith. Your Journey begins here.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Almost Found God

Search For God
Do you feel that you are getting closer to God? Are you almost there? This is like me saying I have almost given up smoking. You have to go all the way, and so do I. Here’s wishing us both good luck and enough faith to continue our search for God.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Faith Building 101 – Graduate Level

Search For God
Okay, so you think you have mastered the basics of Faith building 101A. Are you ready to be an expert? Are you prepared to operate on a graduate level? No matter how much faith in God that you think that you have there is always more to learn. Isn’t it interesting that the more we learn about ourselves, the closer we come to understanding God and learning how to communicate with him.

It is not enough that we have learned to strip away our inhibitions and use our imaginations to help us find the God of our dreams, we must also learn how to express to him our innermost feelings. When we discover how to open ourselves up to God’s kindness and mercy we will be inspired by His message of love and caring.

To start to operate as a Faith Builder on a graduate level you have to:

1. Start to care about other people.
2. Let your family and friends know that you would like to help them build their faith in God.
3. Share your feelings of faith with others.
4. Learn how to communicate with God
5. Open your heart to God.
6. Contribute your time and effort for the greater good.
7. Express your feelings of faith for all to see.

Now that you are an expert Faith Builder, you can help others find their faith. That is what being a Faith Builder is all about. You can start by sharing an expression of faith with everyone to help him or her find more faith.

Isn’t it time you make a statement and let the world know that you are a person of faith? Express yourself. Let God know your feelings.

Arthur Levine is the author of the Search For God Stories. To learn how to qualify as a Faith Builder on a graduate level, and add your expression of faith to the book, access

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Are You Listening For God’s Words?

Search For God

How can you expect to receive God’s message of love and kindness and caring if you aren’t listening?

Yes, God will speak to you if you open your heart to him and start to listen. Wouldn’t you like to hear from God?

Maybe God is waiting to hear from you. Do you have enough faith to stop patching your life together, and start to rely on the word of the Lord?

Sometimes it’s hard to believe in what you cannot see or understand, but if you have enough faith all things are possible.

Wouldn’t you like to have enough faith to cope with your personal weaknesses and the troubles of our Time? Don’t you want to have peace of mind?

All things are possible when you start to find your faith in God. You can achieve a sense of peace and a feeling of security that you have never known before.

Stop using temporary quick fixes to patch yourself together and learn to rely on your faith in God to avoid addictive behavior. Stop patching yourself together.

When you strip away your inhibitions and start to use your imagination, you will discover your own personal patch of faith: your symbol that will put you closer to God.

Use your faith patch to give you the strength to get rid of all the temporary pills and patches that you use to get you through the day and learn to rely on your faith.

Don’t be shy about trying to become a Person of Faith. You are a good and worthwhile person, and no matter what your background or personal beliefs are, you are entitled to become a person of faith.

You have the God given right to find faith anyway that your imagination dictates. You have the right to make a choice as to how you will believe in the Almighty.

You are genetically predisposed to want to be a Person of faith. It is only natural. It is an instinct that our common Lord instilled us with right from the beginning of mankind.

Strip away your inhibitions, use your imagination to find God, and you will discover how strong your faith in him really is.

Start to use your faith as the only patch you will ever need. Start to use your faith as the only true cure-all you will ever need to stop addictive behavior. Become a person of faith.

Are you ready to get closer to God?

Are you listening for his words of wisdom?

Maybe God is waiting to here from you.

To find out more about creating your own personal faith patch go to:

Friday, September 01, 2006

Flying With God

Search For God

Have you ever noticed how quickly you get religion on a plane? That’s right, I know that you pray to God when you fly. Most of us do. That’s when we feel really vulnerable. That’s when we need Him the most. That’s when we don’t feel in control. It’s all right, God is flying with you. All you have to do is believe. Keep searching for God. He can help make your flight from fear painless. God is the only one who is in control all of the time. You can feel safe flying with God.

Flying With God

Search For God

Have you ever noticed how quickly you get religion on a plane? That’s right, I know that you pray to God when you fly. Most of us do. That’s when we feel really vulnerable. That’s when we need Him the most. That’s when we don’t feel in control. It’s all right, God is flying with you. All you have to do is believe. Keep searching for God. He can help make your flight from fear painless. God is the only one who is in control all of the time. You can feel safe flying with God.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Are You Hiding From God?

Search For God
Do you think you can handle all of your problems on your own? Do you believe that you are totally in control of your destiny? Can you control acts of terrorism and natural disasters?

If you answered no to any of the above questions, than you need God’s help. I am talking about the kind of help that is always with you, and that can make you feel comfortable and secure. I am talking about the kind of love that can keep you from feeling alone. I am talking about having someone with you all the time that truly cares about you.

I am talking about God’s love and caring for all of us. If you need this kind of help please continue your search for God. It could make you feel wonderful.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

No Place To Hide

Search For God

Have you been looking for a place to hide and feel safe from the threat of terrorism? Don’t bother; there is no place to hide. The risk of something bad happening is ever present in the troubled times in which we live. Stop shaking in fear in your bedroom. Come out and begin to live your life again to the fullest. Be secure in the knowledge that God is always with you. Trust in your faith in our common Lord. Search for his mercy and kindness. Find the peace of mind that can come from your search for God.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Stay Alert

Search For God

Do not allow your fears and inhibitions to color code your emotions. This is a time to use your imagination and take action. This is a time when we need God on our side. Continue your search for God. The best of times is yet to come. You have the power within you to make things happen. All you need to do is to have faith. Do not allow the terror and fear in your heart to take control. Do not allow your doubts to become triumphant. Use your faith in God to make you strong and you will be victorious. . Use your faith to find peace of mind. Use it to help you find a state of bliss. Use it to help you find God.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Are You Nervous

Search For God


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Move Over, God Is Coming

Search For God

Are you standing in the way of a glorious future, and a new beginning? Don’t let your inhibitions stand in your way of finding God. Unlock your imagination, and continue your search for God.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Faith And The No List Virus

Search For God

The No List Virus is spreading rapidly at retail store check out counters across the country. Common responses to customer questions by store clerks are a follow:

1. No, you can’t use that coupon. It has expired.

2. No, that item is not on sale. I don’t care what the store flyer says.

3. No, we don’t carry that here.

4. No, we can’t order it for you.

5. No, you can’t order less than a pound.

6. No, the manager is not available.

7. No, you can’t have 2 flavors of ice cream in the small cup.

8. No, I can’t do that.

9. No, I won’t do that.

10. No, you can’t substitute one item for another.

My fellow Americans, I beseech you, is this any way to run a country? What ever happened to customer service? What ever happened to faith in our fellow man or woman? What ever happened to the Yes List? What ever happened to Gods commandments to be kind and caring?

Yes List items that have been excluded include:

1. Yes, I would love to carry your packages to the car.

2. Yes, I can help you find that.

3. Yes, I can sell you half a loaf.

4. Yes, we can order that in your size for you.

5. Yes, you can have 2 flavors of ice cream in the small cup.

6. Yes, The manager will be right with you.

7. Yes, you can substitute that item for the other one.

8. Yes, you can buy less than a pound.

9. Yes, you can use that coupon even though the expiration date was last week.

10. Yes, I will be happy to do that for you.

Corporate Gurus wake up. Where is your faith in your customers? Where is your customer service? How about making the world a friendlier place to live in? Where is your faith in God?

As you can see, I have been having some problems in retail stores lately, how about you? How about being a little kinder when it’s your turn to say yes or no? How about having a little faith in your fellow man or woman? You do want to be considered a person of faith, don’t you?

Please help us get rid of the No List Virus. How about a return to civility? The world may be watching. It’s not just the overhead cameras in retail stores that you have to worry about, God may be watching too.

Arthur Levine is the author of The Magic of Faith. To discover 99 Magical Keys to finding your faith, please access:

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Crazy Quilt Work of Beliefs

Everyone seems to have a different opinion on how to believe in God. It doesn’t really matter how you believe in God, or what your vision of Him is. What matters is that you have faith and that you continue your search to find the God of your dreams.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Faith, Hope, And Fulfillment

Search For God

Most of us have faith in God, and we hope that he will help up. If we continually search for his Grace we will find fulfillment – the joy of knowing that we are not alone, that He is always with us. Continue your search for God. It can all be yours.

Friday, August 04, 2006

A Rip Roaring Time Was Had By All

Search For God
Couples were dancing wildly on the dance floor to the sound of the latest hit dance music. The drinks were being served fast and furiously. Champagne flowed and caviar was being dispensed as if it were mashed potatoes in large delectable mounds. Everyone was celebrating. They were celebrating their search for God. They were celebrating becoming people of faith. They were celebrating their newfound sense of bliss.

Would you like to join the party? Continue your search for God.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Expressions Of Faith

Search For God

Did you know that each and every one of us has their own unique way of expressing their faith in God? Some of us verbalize it and some of us express our faith through our actions. Most of us do both. But how often have you written down an expression of your faith and shared your prose with family and friends? I encourage you to do so. It could make them and you feel wonderful.

Writing down you feelings can have a therapeutic effect on your psyche. It can be a source for you revealing to yourself your innermost thoughts. You might be surprised at what strong feelings of faith you really have. Just strip away your inhibitions and let your imagination take over.

Writing down your feeling of faith can be a way to memorialize for your children what you are all about. It is something they can refer to and share with their children so they too will have an idea of your innermost feeling of faith in God. Don’t miss the opportunity to let everyone you care about know how you feel. It could help make them stronger. It could help make them happier. Seize the moment and write down your expression of faith.

It is up to you to pass your word along. It is up to you to let those you hold dear know how you feel. It is up to you to pass your feelings of faith along. It’s time to express your feelings of faith in God in writing.

Arthur Levine is the author of the Search For God Stories, a free e-book download. To add an expression of faith to his new book for all the world to see go to and click on Post or View Your Expression of Faith.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Day Before Disaster

Search For God

What will you be doing the day before some act of nature or terrorism strikes close to home? Will you be searching for God’s grace and protection? The only way to feel secure in today’s quickly changing environment is to continue your search for God.

An abiding faith in God can help make you feel secure. An abiding faith in God can help protect you from evil. An abiding faith in God can enable you to cope with your fears.

Have you been searching for the God of your dreams lately: the one that will protect you?

Hurry, God may be waiting to hear from you.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Weekend Getaway

Search For God

Are you getting ready to go away for the weekend? Have you packed you bag? Don’t forget your binoculars. You are going to search for God while you are relaxing, aren’t you? What better way to relax and enjoy a summer weekend then to spend it with God?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Seniors Wanted – Willing To Start Over

Search For God

Are you tired of feeling useless: getting turned down for jobs you could do with your eyes closed? Do you want a way to make a great living from your own home? Are you ready to start over?

I know how you feel. I’ve been there. I’ve felt your pain. I know the feeling of rejection and how frustrating it can be. But you can change all that. You can start over using the Internet.

It doesn’t matter if you are barely computer literate, or an Internet newbie, or think you can find your way around the Web pretty well. There are opportunities out there that you can take advantage of.

What you really need to start over is a bright idea based on something you like to do or feel comfortable telling others about based on your life experience.

Starting Over Requirements Are:

A. A willingness to try again

B. The right tools

C. The desire to help others

D. A bright idea

E. The capacity to learn new things

F. The flexibility to follow instruction
G. The courage of your convictions

Isn’t it time to start over and stop feeling useless? Don’t you want to experience the benefits of feeling relevant again? Aren’t you ready to start over? Wouldn’t you like to feel wonderful and be a success again?

You can do it. I know because I have been where you are. I’ve started over and I invite you to join me. I am putting up a Web site to help other seniors start over.

Arthur Levine is a Senior Citizen who would like to show you that you are never too old to start over. To find out how to start over, share the benefits of your life experience with others, and learn how to build a great income, please send me an e-mail using the Contact Us Form at:

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Happy Days Are Here Again

Can you see the glory of it? The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day. All seems right in God’s world. That is if you are a part of God’s world. Are you continuing your search for God? Don’t you want to experience the state of bliss that can come from being a person of faith?

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Clock Is Ticking

Search For God

Are you concerned with your own mortality? Do you worry because you are getting older? Don’t worry; look at the options. In the meantime how about getting yourself some protection against the inevitable. Have you been searching for God lately?

Friday, July 14, 2006

Ten Magical Keys To Finding Your Faith

Search For God

I have a Magic Genie friend named Glorious. He has taught me a lot about finding my faith. Glorious has revealed to me 99 Magical Keys to finding faith. In a spirit of kindness and caring that Glorious has instilled in me, I thought I would share ten of the Magical Keys with you.

Couldn’t you use a little more faith today? Sometimes it takes a little magic to believe in what we cannot see or understand.

1. Caring about others is a Magical Key to finding your faith.

2. Remember that only God has the right to sit in judgment.

3. Try and do something worthwhile with your life.

4. Have the grace to share your faith and learn to express it.

5. Have forgiveness in your heart for your fellow human beings.

6. Take responsibility for your own actions.

7. Be willing to repent for your sins.

8. The most meaningful thing you can do is to have faith in God.

9. Have faith that God loves you.

10. Your state of mind will determine how easy it will be for you to find your faith.
Glorious has taught me many more Magic Keys to finding faith, but he has advised me not to overwhelm you with too many things to do all at once. I think that makes sense, don’t you? Oh, I almost forgot, Glorious told me that making sense of what you do is an important Magical Key to finding your faith. I guess that’s number eleven, but Glorious never said I had to be a mathematician to try and help you find your faith. What about you, are you spending too much time counting up what you have done to find your faith, and not enough time relying on your faith in God? Are you searching for God?

Arthur Levine is a faith building copywriter, and the author of The Magic of Faith. To discover 99 Magical Keys to finding your faith, and receive a free faith based Magic Pill please access:

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Startling New Evidence That God Exists

Search For God

A gallant band of true believers, operating in total secrecy, have uncovered proof positive of the existence of God. These faithful searchers have been inspired in their search by documents handed down through the ages such as the Bible, but their discovery of God’s existence was enabled by one of the oldest methods available to mankind.

The search for God’s existence, which was not aided by computer models or modern technology of any kind, relied almost wholly on the most primitive of human skills and abilities – the ability to think.

Buried in the deepest recesses of the human mind, this faithful group of searchers for God’s grace found the answer to the most important mystery of our universe. How we got here and how we can prove that God is real.

They have determined that each human being has been instilled by our Creator with a special gene that acknowledges that God exists. It is up to each and every one of us to strip away our inhibitions and unlock our imaginations so that we may recognize and accept the existence of God.

This is not the stuff of fabled theories, or the ranting of some fanatical group. This is the inherent craving of man’s desire to find God, which has been genetically instilled in us by the Almighty Himself.

The millions of people who do believe in God have made this fantastic and miraculous discovery possible. The proof is irrefutable.

Do not doubt the proof. The proof is within you. God exists and is always with you.

Arthur Levine is the author of the Search For God stories. To read many of the stories that will enable you to discover this new evidence of God’s existence for yourself access for a free e-book download of the Search For God Stories.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Faith Building 101A – Graduate Level

Search For Go

Okay so you think you have mastered the basics of Faith building 101A. Are you ready to be an expert? Are you prepared to operate on a graduate level? No matter how much faith in God that you think that you have there is always more to learn. Isn’t it interesting that the more we learn about ourselves, the closer we come to understanding God and learning how to communicate with him.

It is not enough that we have learned to strip away our inhibitions and use our imaginations to help us find the God of our dreams, we must also learn how to express to him our innermost feelings. When we discover how to open ourselves up to God’s kindness and mercy we will be inspired by His message of love and caring.

To start to operate as a Faith Builder on a graduate level you have to:

1. Start to care about other people.
2. Let your family and friends know that you would like to help them build their faith in God.
3. Share your feelings of faith with others.
4. Participate in faith-based community activities
5. Open your heart to God.
6. Contribute your time and effort for the greater good.
7. Express your feelings of faith for all to see.

Now that you are an expert Faith Builder, you can help others find their faith. That is what being a Faith Builder is all about. You can start by sharing an expression of faith with everyone to help him or her find more faith.

Isn’t it time you make a statement and let the world know that you are a person of faith? Express yourself.

Arthur Levine is the author of the Search For God stories. To learn how to qualify as a Faith Builder on a graduate level and add your expression of faith to the book access for a free e-book download.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Searching For God Stories – The Real Story

Search For God

We all want to be inspired in one-way or another, don’t we? It struck me one day that what I was really trying to do by writing articles was to inspire people, myself included, to search for God.

Sometimes you have to take some quiet time to review what you are doing with your life. When I did, it hit me. I was searching for the God of my dreams in my own way. Doesn’t everyone search for the God of his or her dreams in their own way?

I started reading through all the articles that I had written and came to the conclusion that they all had the central themes of searching for God, finding faith, and becoming inspired to become a person of faith.

I guess to some people these things come naturally, but in my case it has always been a struggle to develop a strong belief in God. I have found that it gets easier over time as my needs become greater, and the realization of my own mortality becomes more self-evident.

I find it more and more important to try and do something relevant, something that will help other people and thus make me feel better. That’s what moved me to create a short book out of my many articles. I call them the “Search For God Stories.” I hope they will help inspire you to find more faith, and to make your search for the God of your dreams a success. I hope they will help you find peace of mind. I hope they will make you feel wonderful.

You can add your own expression of faith to this free e-book to help us all in our search for God if you wish. You can find out how to do so in the book. Wouldn’t you like to become a famous published author?

Hurry, God and your friends and family may be waiting to hear what you have to say!

Arthur Levine is the author of the “Search For God Stories, a collection of short articles to help inspire you to find more faith. You and your friends can download a free copy at:

Sunday, July 02, 2006

God Isn’t Smashing The Daisies

Search For God

Taking God’s name in vain is a little like a giant trampling fields of daisies with his feet. It is a futile act that can only end with the offender loosing his footing. Don’t blame God for your problems. It isn’t his fault that you are not following his message of kindness and caring. Don’t take God’s name in vain by trying to blame Him for your own lack of faith. You can’t really believe in God if you don’t believe in yourself. It’s time to start taking responsibility for your own actions and stop trampling the flowerbeds by putting you foot in your mouth and saying that It’s God’s fault that that I have this problem.

We can’t blame God for all the problems that we inflict on ourselves. We can however implore him to help us overcome our problems. The way to do this is to have faith that God is always with us: that he knows our weaknesses, and that He is there to help us overcome them.

Think of God’s mercy and kindness as being as abundant as flowing fields of wild Yellow and White daisies blowing gently in the wind. Let His spirit inspire you and give you the inner peace of mind that you are striving for. Walk gently through the fields of daisies. Don’t trample your true feelings of faith. Allow yourself to believe in God’s kindness and mercy. Allow yourself the best chance you will ever have to solve your problems. Allow yourself to find God’s grace.

Arthur Levine is the author of The Magic of Faith, the Faith Patch Manual and the Search For God Stories. To find out more about how to find faith and receive a free download of the Search For God Stories please access:

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Happy weekend

Search For God
I wish everyone a happy and healthy July 4th weekend. Have a lot of fun and don't forget to continue your search for God.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Search For God
Grandma Jenny had a secret way of communicating with God

Grandma Jenny slipped shoveling snow off the front steps of our home in the midst of a fearsome snow storm at the age of ninety-six and broke her hip. She was a feisty little woman who weighed only ninety-five pounds and stood four feet-nine inches tall. The shovel was bigger than Grandma. You might wonder why she was out shoveling snow early in the morning at her advanced age, but it was part of her stubborn and cantankerous nature. And it was a part of her tradition. She didn’t want my father going to work and getting his feet wet in the snow. It was a matter of respect for the man of the house. It was a matter of faith in her traditions. It was her way.

Grandma was from the old country – Russia to be specific. She came to the United States as a girl of fourteen traveling for fifteen days on a tramp steamer, and surviving on bread and water. She lost her provisions, her money, and her clothes on the trip over to thieves that hounded naïve, unsuspecting young girls such as her as a normal part of refugee voyages in those days. Most people though it was the work of greedy members of the crew. She arrived in this country penniless and literally with only the clothes on her back. But nothing could stop Grandma from making a new life in the land of her dreams, or bringing with her the rituals and traditions that were an innate part of her heritage, her faith in God, and of her very being.

Until she slipped and broke her hip, Grandma Jenny had always been healthy. None of us in the family could remember her having a cold. She attributed her good health to a secret potion of Elderberry Brandy that she distilled in the attic of our Georgian Colonial House. I have no idea where she got the Elderberries from or how she prepared the brew. We were never allowed up to her special place in the attic to see what she was doing. Everything that Grandma did was a secret.

Grandma had a shot of the special potion when she woke up in the morning and when she went to bed at night, that much she told us. To the best of my knowledge it was the only medicine she ever took. On rare occasions such as holidays and birthdays, we were all invited to join her for a sip of her Elderberry Brandy. I was allowed to participate from the time I was a teenager. Boy did that stuff pack a wallop. It is no wonder that Grandma was never sick. The brandy must have killed the germs. My dad didn’t really like it. He was a scotch man. My mother struggled to swallow it. She didn’t drink. We all participated in the ritual. No one in the family was about to insult Grandma Jenny. She was too tough a cookie to be trifled with. Grandma Jenny always said a prayer to got in her native tongue before taking a sip of her special potion. It was her way of communicating with God.

On one of the rare occasions when Grandma Jenny bothered to talk to me, communication was a problem since she spoke only Russian; I asked her what was so special about the secret potion? She sort of half smiled at me indicating that when I was more mature I would understand, pointing at my head. Grandma was great at the universal language of hand signals. I do understand a little Russian, but I don’t speak the language. Fortunately for me Grandma did understand English except when she chose to pretend that she didn’t. Even the dog understood Russian because Grandma fed him and he didn’t speak at all. When she called him to come and get it in Russian, he came running. No one disobeyed Grandma. The dog was a huge Boxer named Slugger. It was amazing to see him cower in front of my Grandmother, and wait for her command allowing him to eat. He sure didn’t act like that with my father or me. He once jumped up on my Dad and pushed him so hard that he fell down and dislocated his shoulder. Slugger wouldn’t dare jump up on my Grandma. The dog knew better.

After Grandma passed away, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what was so special about her secret potion and how to make it. Grandma wasn’t big on measurements or recipes. She insisted that you just add a little bit of this and a little bit of that. This was the way she talked when someone wanted to know how to make her yeast coffee cake or her saffron laced ginger-carrot candy. Unfortunately the secrets died with her.

I think I finally have the answer when it comes to her secret potion. It wasn’t the herbs that she added. It wasn’t how high the alcohol content was. It was the love with which she made it and dispensed it to the whole family. It represented to her a melding of old traditions and new rituals. It symbolized her faith in God, and the respect she had for our family and our Country. It was a way for her to celebrate her freedom. It was her way of communicating her faith to God in a language of kindness and caring that we could all understand.

Sometimes when I sip a little brandy late at night to help calm me from the stress of the day and the threat of terrorism or natural disasters, I wonder, couldn’t we all use a little of Grandma’s secret potion to help us through these troubled times? The commercial stuff doesn’t seem to be doing the trick anymore. It lacks the tradition of caring, kindness, and love necessary to make it a special brew. It lacks that personal faith-filled touch of Grandma Jenny. It doesn’t have her tenacious character or her will to survive. It lacks respect.

There are some things that you can’t put in a bottle, smack a label on, and expect to work miracles. Sometimes you have to find the right ingredients in your own heart. Sometimes you have to distill them yourself. Sometimes the secret potion of faith is within you. Sometimes it will show you how to communicate with God.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Chasing Jesus

Search For God

I woke up feeling shaky, and with that same old fear making me sweaty. I guess I had been dreaming again about whether or not I’d ever get to Heaven. I’m not getting any younger and thoughts of death and Heaven seem to be more on my mind lately.

Christian scholars and Ministers are constantly preaching that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus. Unfortunately for me I guess, I’m not Christian. I am as you may have deduced Jewish. Is there no other path to God? I accept a Christian’s right to find God through Jesus, but what about me?

What would the difference be if I were Muslim or Buddhist? I would still have the same problem. It seems the Christian World thinks my way to Heaven is blocked. I don’t want to be blocked. I want a shot at getting to Heaven just like everyone else. Do you think the fact that I am not Christian makes me a bad person in the eyes of God? Do you believe God cares how I believe in him as long as I do? I think God wouldn’t have given us the right to make choices about how we have faith in the one Supreme Being if he didn’t love us all, and wasn’t willing to accept us all into Heaven.

I’ve had people try to convert me to Christianity including a daughter who has, and a son-in-law who converted her. I come close to seeing the light, but something always holds me back. Some instinct I suppose, some quirk of my nature, which restrains me from abandoning my traditions and beliefs and keeps me from making the big leap. Why can’t life be simple and easy? I guess it can if all you have to do is to follow your traditions and beliefs. But I wasn’t born in to a Christian family, and my traditions and beliefs are different except when it comes to believing in one Supreme Being, the one God.

Yet it seems to me that I have been spending much of my life chasing Jesus. Like many others, I want to believe. It would make my life so much easier. It would give me instant peace of mind. But my heritage and tradition keep me from following the path of Christ, although I do not dispute the wisdom of his teachings. I consider him a great prophet. I simply cannot deny the teachings of my own religion and my personal beliefs. Jesus was Jewish, wasn’t he? God in his wisdom must have known what he was doing.

When I find myself torn by these feelings of misgivings I usually turn to a Magic Genie Faith Builder friend of mine named Glorious for advice. It’s my way of unlocking my imagination so that I can catch a glimpse of what is going on deep down in my soul. I invented Glorious to help me find my faith. That’s why he is a special type of Magic Genie. He is not your typical make a wish Genie. They are old-fashioned. He is the newer model # AEEF – 3 (After everything else fails for the third time). He is a Faith Builder. I use him as my faith patch – the symbol of my faith in God.

My best friend Glorious tells me it’s all right to believe in God any way I want. He feels that we were all made in Gods image, and he must have known what he was doing when he gave us the ability to worship him in our own way. Glorious tells me I am a good and worthwhile person who is entitled to have faith in God in my own way. I find comfort in this, but still worry that I will wake up tomorrow morning shaking in fear and in a cold sweat. When will I finally be secure in my faith? I know that others would answer this question for me, but I feel I must find my own answer, my own faith.

Sometimes I’m not sure whether I am chasing Jesus or running away from him. Either way I have faith that God will understand. I am not running away from God. What I really am doing is chasing after my faith. I am trying to hold on to it as best I can. Do you have enough faith to help you wake up without fear? Do you have enough faith to give you peace of mind? Do you have enough faith to believe in what you cannot see or comprehend? You can if you believe in yourself and in God any way that you think is right for you. Let’s stop worrying and arguing about whose way to worship God is the right way. Let’s concentrate on having faith in the Almighty. Coming together in our common faith in God is a better way to find grace in the eyes of the Lord. Couldn’t we all use a little more faith today?

Sometimes I’m not sure what all the fuss is about. Isn’t being a good and worthwhile person who cares about others, does good works, and believes in God enough? I hope so. I have this urge to express the fact that I am a Person of Faith too. I think we all are entitled to declare ourselves people of faith. What about you, couldn’t you use a little more faith today to help you cope with the troubled times in which we live? Wouldn’t you like to be able to declare yourself a Person of Faith? You can if you just have faith, and believe in God in any way that seems right to you. Be a faithful servant of the Almighty and find your own way to God. It helps I think, in this respect, to follow family traditions, rituals, and beliefs. But I believe that any way you choose to have faith in God will be the right way for you. You have the right to choose. You are entitled to be a Person of Faith. My best friend Glorious the Magic Genie, my faith patch, told me so.

Arthur Levine, Faith Builder Imaginest, is the author of the Faith Patch Manual, which is an instructional guide to help you find the faith to cope with the troubles of our time. It can be previewed at:

Friday, June 23, 2006

You Are A Winner

Search For God

I went to the corner stationary store this morning to buy a newspaper. I noticed a group of people buying all kinds of quick pick lottery tickets. They were spending a lot of money trying to get a winner. They seemed to be in a frenzy to get a winning ticket even if it only won them a small fraction of what they were betting. This doesn’t make any sense to me. Why try so hard to be a winner? You already are in God’s eyes.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Forbidden Thoughts

Search For God

Have you ever had the feeling that your world wasn’t real, that you are living out a fantasy? Have you ever doubted that there is a God? It is so difficult to believe in what we cannot see or understand, but what choice do we have? It is up to us to have faith. Believing in God is the only true reality. After all we were made in His image, weren’t we? How else can we believe that we are real? Have faith and continue your search for God.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Starting Over

Search For God
Today is a good day to start searching for God again. It is the first day of summer. Let's not forget that it is thanks to God's grace that we get to enjoy this summer.

Save The Children

Search For God

Dear Friend,

Can you help feed a child by watching a short movie that shows you how ?

Just by watching this movie and visiting a website you could be helping to feed a child or support abandoned, neglected and orphaned children.

You don't even have to give money, just visit the website and the movie explains 9 ways you can help.

Play the movie at full screen size from:">AOL Users Click Here to Play Movie Full Size

Or view/download on the website at:">AOL Users Click Here to View/Download Movie

I appreciate your time is precious, but so is a child's life.

Thanks for Caring !

Best regards,

Luzette Villareal
In support of the Jaro Archdiocesan Social Action Center,
Jaro Cathedral Compound, Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines.

P.S. Please forward this email to as many other people you know who might help. Nothing will happen, if you don't !

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Gift of Power

Search For God

Would you like to feel in control of your life all of the time? Would you like to feel that you have the power to control your own destiny? If you discover the state of bliss you will be in when you find your faith in God, then you will know this feeling of power, which you can only get from God. Continue your search for the God of your dreams, only then will you have a chance to know the power and understand His gift to you.

Monday, June 19, 2006

One Rainy Day

Search For God
One rainy afternoon I was driving along one of the main streets of town, taking those extra precautions necessary when the roads are wet and slick.

Suddenly, my daughter Aspen spoke up from her relaxed position in her seat. "Dad, I'm thinking of something."

This announcement usually meant she had been pondering some fact for a while, and was now ready to expound all
that her six-year-old mind had discovered. I was eager to hear.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"The rain!" she began, "is like sin, and the windshield wipers are like God wiping our sins away."

After the chill bumps raced up my arms I was able to respond. "That's really good, Aspen."

Then my curiosity broke in. How far would this little girl take
this revelation? So I asked... "Do you notice how the rain
keeps on coming? What does that tell you?"

Aspen didn't hesitate one moment with her answer:

"We keep on sinning, and God just keeps on forgiving us."
I will always remember this whenever I turn my wipers on.

Isn't it distressing to know that when you forward this message you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they
will think of you for sending it to them.

Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.

In order to see the Rainbow, you must first endure some Rain.

This article supplied by an anonymous source.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I'm Sick of It

Search For God

I'm tired of hearing liberal democrats mouthing weak change your mind every day points of view and corrupt republicans enacting policies that are only good for the very rich. My God there must be a better choice than this. Where have all the statesman gone? I think its time that all our political representatives stop saying they are people of faith and start acting like they are. I hope over the summer break they will all take up a search for God's words of wisdom and stop messing with the common peoples minds.

Friday, June 16, 2006

On The Road

Search For God
Are you traveling this weekend? If you are, please don't forget to continue your search for God. I hope you will find Him along the way. I hope you have a fun time. Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Summers Coming

Search For God
Summers coming and its time to lay back and smell the roses. Isn't God's place a wonderful world.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Your Article

Search For God
Hi, would you like to add your short article to our Search for God. You can post it through the comments section. Hurry, God may be waiting to hear what you have to say and we could all benefit from your wise thoughts. You could become a famous published author.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

How to Send an E-mail to God

Search For God

A lot of us want to have more faith and get closer to God. The question is how do we do this? Maybe we should, strip away our inhibitions, unlock our imaginations, and send an imaginary e-mail to God.

Maybe you could send God an imaginary e-mail in the form of a prayer. After all, God is always interested in hearing our prayers, isn’t he? It is not the type of thing that you have to worry about him opting into. God is always listening.

How would we start? Perhaps the subject line could read, “Dear God hear my prayer.” No I am afraid that would be too long. How about, “Prayer to God” That might do the trick nicely and we would have no fear of spamming the recipient.

I think it is best to leave any request for help to the body of the text. What would you like to ask for? Good health is often a way to go, but I think you need to get more personal and specific then that.

How about telling God that you are tired of patching yourself together with temporary quick fixes to control your weaknesses like smoking, eating, or drinking too much? That should get Gods attention, don’t you think?

I wonder what God would say in an answer to us? Maybe he would tell us to stop trying to patch ourselves together and find more faith so that we could be strong enough to overcome our weaknesses with his help. Maybe we could use our imaginations to develop our own personal faith patch to replace all those other temporary patches and help us deal with our problems. Maybe we could use our faith.

You don’t have to worry about the address or click on the send button in this imaginary e-mail. I believe that God is always interested in hearing our prayers no matter what form they take.

Are you ready to send a message of faith to God?

You don’t have to worry about sending this e-mail to the wrong address because God is always with us and has a universal address. You don’t even have to type out this e-mail on your word processor. You can just think it.

Whatever you do, try and rely on your faith in God to help you overcome your weaknesses. Stop trying to patch yourself together. Try and find more faith so that you can learn to cope with your personal problems and the troubles of our time like terrorism and natural disasters.

Don’t forget to leave your personal signature in your e-mail to God. It’s not that he doesn’t know who you are; it is just that he may be waiting to hear that you are becoming a Person of Faith. It might help for you to mention this in your signature block.
An example could read something like this:

Your name
Statement that you are becoming a Person of Faith
Statement that you believe in God
Your e-mail address (unnecessary)
Your telephone number (unnecessary)

God knows where to find you.

Are you ready to stop patching yourself together?

Are you ready to become a Person of Faith?

Are you searching for God? Hurry, He may be waiting to hear from you. Send Him an e-mail.