Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Starting Over

Search For God
Today is a good day to start searching for God again. It is the first day of summer. Let's not forget that it is thanks to God's grace that we get to enjoy this summer.

Save The Children

Search For God

Dear Friend,

Can you help feed a child by watching a short movie that shows you how ?

Just by watching this movie and visiting a website you could be helping to feed a child or support abandoned, neglected and orphaned children.

You don't even have to give money, just visit the website and the movie explains 9 ways you can help.

Play the movie at full screen size from:">AOL Users Click Here to Play Movie Full Size

Or view/download on the website at:">AOL Users Click Here to View/Download Movie

I appreciate your time is precious, but so is a child's life.

Thanks for Caring !

Best regards,

Luzette Villareal
In support of the Jaro Archdiocesan Social Action Center,
Jaro Cathedral Compound, Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines.

P.S. Please forward this email to as many other people you know who might help. Nothing will happen, if you don't !