Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Search For God

Has God Answered Your E-mail? – Part 2

You know the one I am talking about, the one where you striped away your inhibitions and used your imagination to send an imaginary e-mail to God.

You are a good and worthwhile person and you are entitled to have your prayers answered. You can communicate with God. When you do you will begin to believe in that which you cannot see or understand. That’s why you need to use your imagination.

You need to allow yourself to dig deep down within your imagination and find your faith. Your imagination holds the key to finding your faith. It is the act of unlocking your imagination that will enable you to reveal your deepest feelings of faith to yourself.

Opt in to having faith in God. Opt in to a life of merit, virtue, and bliss.

When you do, you will shortly discover a wonderful state of peace of mind. You will begin to feel secure. You will stop worrying about acts of terrorism and natural disasters. You will begin to feel wonderful. You will begin to rely on your faith.