I know in my heart that God is real and is always with us, but have you ever stopped to consider that the reason He knows everything is that he might be a time traveler who has gone back and forth throughout out history, and therefore knows everything that has happened and will happen to us. Maybe He changes what happens to us as He goes along.
He is definitely, in my opinion foreign to our understanding, and thus in my opinion an alien.
The question, I think, is how much has He been an active participant in our development as opposed to just an observer to the fact of humanities existence.
To my way of thinking He has always been an active creator/participant in our development because he has brought us knowledge in the form of the bible – a code to live by – a distinct set of rules. He wouldn’t have bothered to enlighten us to this extent if He didn’t care about us.
He also brought us dogma, making it easier for primitive entities such as ourselves to have a framework in which to live our lives with relative meaning. God wouldn’t have bothered to do this unless He saw our need for structure in our lives.
I wonder how we appear to God? Do we look like lost souls searching for the meaning of life? Does He feel we will ever reach a point where we will be intelligent enough to understand His meaning and magnificence?
Is God waiting for us to reach a certain point in our development when we will be able to grasp the concept of what He is? Maybe our thirst for knowledge in the form of technology and new computer programs and the theories of quantum computing are all making it possible to draw closer to an understanding of God as opposed to pulling us father apart.
We humans must appear to God, in his travels through the universe, through infinite time, to be a funny lot. We speculate as to His meaning, yet we worship his glory without fully understand why He is the guiding presence in our lives.
Maybe we too one day will advance to a stage where we can travel through space and time, or is the very concept of His having made us in God’s image too difficult for us to fully grasp? Is the idea of God alien to us, or do we have enough faith to believe in the righteousness of what God has in mind for us? Will we ever develop to the point where we understand?
I Loves Jesus -> Indonesia Exmuslim Forum http://trulyislam.blogspot.com
God...A Alien. A Time Traveler. Not a bad analogy.
God is "Eternal Life".
No Beginning - No End.
On top of THAT...The God is Sovereign. Do you know what THAT means?
God is Omnipotent. Combine THAT with Soverienty and there you have why God can be Sovereign.
The God is Omnipresent. Translated; you can not hide from God. What THAT means to you is this; "No one can play games with God".
The God is Omniscient: There never has been a time when God did not know the knowable; THAT means God not only knows what happend but God knows what COULD HAVE HAPPENED. God knows the options and the outcomes of each option.
God is Perfect Justice. That means God Can not be UNFAIR in the way in which God Deals with His Creation...neither Angelic or Human.
God is Perfect Righteousness. That means God is not only just, but he has never made a mistake.
God is immutalble. You can depend on God to be God, always; God doesn't change but more than THAT...God can not Change.
God is Love. There is no emotion in the Intelligence of God. Emotion is needed among humans so that the human intelligence is able to appreciate both good and evil...but neither good or evil can be acceptable to a Perfect God.
So, if anyone wants to be as good as God is, then that person needs God's Essence. THAT is what you get instantly when anyone believes in Jesus Christ alone by means of their faith thinking skill alone. Do it Now !
In the privacy of your thinking skills, no speech required; remember God reads all human thought simultaneously micro second by micro second...form the words in your mind; Father...I believe in Jesus Christ. In that instant of time your thought is taken out of time by the Omnipotent Power of The God The Perfect Spirit, and placed into Etenity and you are given 40 Grace Gifts; one of which is a Human Spirit. THAT is what it menas to be "born again".
When Jesus Christ hung on the Cross, during three hours of darkness, God The Father downloaded from His Omniscience, all human sin of all humans who ever lived in time...you see...time will end and we will only then experience Eternity Future...and God The Father imputed all human sin to the Body of Jesus Christ. Then, God The Father Judged all human sin. Then...Jesus Christ died spirutally. Then...he died physically.
Three days later the Omnipoent Power of The God The Perfect Spirit raised Jesus Christ the human up from the fact of human death. And, The God Jesus Christ...The Divine Creator side of the Hypostatic Union of Jesus Christ the Human, with The Lord God was again united with the Human Body and now the First God / Man in Human Resurrected Human Body sits at the Right Hand of The God The Father in Session. God The Lord does not "sit" ...He is both here and there, transending any place there is a place.
He is coming back to rule the Earth for 1000 years befoer He destroys the "old creation" that Santan...soiled. Then, He will create a New Creation. Then all of those who believed in Jesus Christ alone by means of their faith alone will live with him in Resurrection Body too for all of Eterity Future..."no more sorrow, no more pain, no more physical death or any other kind of death...all those old negative ideas will be no more in the experience of eternal life with God.
Ted Sass
Pleasant Hill IA
Its nice to read othres perspectives when it comes to God. Your post seemed to have a light humor about it which I can appreciate. With that said I agree with the comment posted by Ted Sass.. I also believe God is grieved by our current state. That should be enough to grieve us.
I invite you to visit my blog and tell me your thoughts.
God Bless you and thank you for your thoughts in this post.
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