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© Copyright Arthur Levine 2007
Keywords: Shopping Party, Shop At Home, Save Money, Make Money, Have Fun
Words: 421
Are you bored; Are you tired of doing the same old thing; taking care of the children and the house? You don’t have to be bored any more. You can have a shopping party. After all, shopping is something you like to do, isn’t it?
Yes. Yes, I know, you are busy, you don’t have the time to go out shopping, but you can find a little time to shop at home on the Internet, can’t you? You do that once in a while now, don’t you when you need to buy something and don’t have the time to go out to the store? Did you know that more than 78% of all people on the Internet over the age of 14 shops on line? You can too. Let’s turn shopping on line into a party.
You can e-mail your friends that you are going to have a shopping party. You can ask them to join you in a contest to come up with the best buy of the day in terms of price and quality. The winner will be named King or Queen of the Shopping Party for the week. That’s right you can make this a weekly event and ask different friends to host it each week. This could be fun, don’t you think?
The best part is you can do this all by e-mail with your friends. You can:
Invite your friends.
Schedule the time.
Set the contest rules.
Send part favors.
Show them how to shop.
You can give them the places to shop.
You can do this all on line.
The best part is that you can invite each of your friends to have their own Party Shopping Mall absolutely free forever with over eleven hundred major retail stores and outlets in over one hundred and fifty-five countries. You can show them how to save money in the form of a rebate on anything they buy. They in turn can invite their friends to join and have their own party mall and get an override on everything they buy on their own shopping mall.
You can all have fun and make money at the same time. Let’s have a shopping party.
You are invited to have your own Party Mall and have a shopping party at http://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/27884
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