Monday, April 03, 2006

It's All Part Of God's Creation

Search For God

It’s All Part Of God’s Creation

That’s right, even what we speak of as the evolution of nature is part of God’s grand design. It is up to us to see it through His eyes.

That’s why even scientists believe in God. They can find no other way to explain the universe except through the fact of the glory of God. All the rest is just theory.

It is up to us to believe in the words of God. It is up to us to believe in the creation of the world and of us as told in the bible. It is up to us to believe in the words of the Lord if we want to find the pathway to Heaven.

How else can we explain the creation of the universe if not for God?

Be secure that God loves us.

It is up to us to listen to God’s words of wisdom, kindness, and love if we want to be protected by his graciousness.

Renew your faith in God and you renew your own creation.

Strengthen your faith in God and you will know his mercy.

How else can we explain the blessings we have received if not for God?

How else can we explain the bounty and fullness of our lives?

Ask yourself where you would be if not for God and his grand design?

We are all part of his grand design.

We are all products of his kindness and mercy.

We are all part of God’s divine purpose.

Let the facts of God’s creation speak for themselves. Let the faithful see the hand of God in nature. Let the facts of evolution be reflected in his words of wisdom.

We are all part of God’s grand design.

Through our faith, we can enjoy his mercy.

Through our faith we can witness his blessing.

Through our faith we can have him always at our side.

Through our faith in him, we can find our way to Heaven.

Let us never forget that God created us as part of his divine purpose.

Through our faith, we can give meaning and purpose to our lives.

Through our faith, we can find divine guidance.

Through our faith, we can reaffirm being part of his marvelous creation.

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