Friday, April 28, 2006

Stop Patching Yourself Together

Search For God

A little kid came over to me at a Girl Scout meeting, and asked me if I could help her get her father to stop smoking, and would I recommend a Patch? I told her I normally don’t deal with children. I have enough trouble dealing with adults who are mostly children at heart, but I would make an exception in her case, and talk to her father if she promised not to tell anyone. I am not going to make this into a children’s hour. I spoke to her father and told him to stop patching himself together and have Faith he could stop smoking on his own. He told me he had no Faith in his ability to do so and that is why he smoked and drank. He was trying to forget how little willpower he had.

I told him I was going to repeat over and over, “you can’t win them all. You can’t expect everyone to have Faith.” I told him I had to go now. I was late for a Faith Building group therapy session for severely rattled Magic Genies who have spent too much time dealing with faithless people like him. I hope his little girl is OK. At least I don’t have to worry about your children too, do I? Stop patching yourself together. Get some faith in God to help you deal with your weaknesses.

This is an excerpt from my book “The Magic of Faith" about a faith building Magic Genie named Glorious. To preview it just go to “Find Faith” on the side bar or access

Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Good Lesson To Share With Your Children

Search For God

One evening a wise old man told his grandson about a debate that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between the two wolves inside each of us.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which one wins?"

Grandfather simply replied, "The one you feed."

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Search For God

This could be a new beginning for all of us. I love new beginnings, don’t you? Starting over is such fun. You get the chance to make the same old mistakes in a brand new way. Are you looking to change your life? What was wrong with the old one? God always gives second chances. Are you going to make the most of things this time? I have Faith that you will, do you? Let’s begin again right now. I will promise not to be sarcastic and condescending if you will promise to have Faith. I wonder how long that will last?

This is an excerpt from my book “The Magic of Faith". To preview it just go to “Find Faith” on the side bar or access

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Search For God

I have been swamped, deluged and inundated with people’s thoughts telling me they are frightened by the possibility of terrorist attacks. They are scared of airmail toxins, viruses and nuclear explosions ruining their health and jeopardizing their lives. I am telling you people I don’t do illnesses, only social diseases. My only answer to you is to have Faith. We will overcome adversity.

Speaking of social diseases, there is one that is causing quite a stir. On this I am definitely a non- expert expert. It is called the Ostrich Virus. It isn’t airborne, but this insidious social disease leap frogs from credit card to credit card, leaving their wealthy owners trembling in fear of losing their material possessions. If you want the cure stop worrying so much about your assets.

Are you in fear of losing your possessions? If so, you are just causing the virus to spread. Do you judge your accomplishments solely in monetary terms? Come alive my friends, having Faith will give you all the credit you need. There, don’t you feel more secure now? Doesn’t having Faith make you feel prosperous? You will if you just believe in God.

This is an excerpt from my book The Magic of Faith. To preview it just click on Find Faith on the side bar or go to

Monday, April 24, 2006

Faith Or Inspiration – Which Comes First?

Search For God

Do you start out with faith in God or do you have to be inspired to search for Him? Where does the inspiration to believe in God come from? It seems everyone has an answer, but which answer is right?

I believe it depends on who is asking the question. If you are a person that is well grounded in your religious beliefs then faith probably comes first. If you are searching for God, then perhaps you need to be inspired to help you find your way.

I like to believe that we are all inspired to find our faith in God. To me it is a natural human instinct perhaps facilitated by an inborn genetic code or gene. I like to believe that the inspiration to find God comes from the Almighty Himself.

I think the inspiration comes from our need to experience God’s grace, to find inner peace, and to develop a sense of serenity. I think it comes from our need to seek God’s help in coping with our problems. I think it comes from a desire to believe that there is something more to our lives than the short span of our own mortality. I think it comes from a need to be assured that there is a Heaven.

Whatever inspires us to find our faith in God; the fact is that we do have the need to believe. Most of us have to believe in a higher power to make our lives tolerable. We want to have faith because it helps us achieve inner peace of mind. We are inspired to have faith because we want to succeed in our journey to find God.

May God grant us the strength and the inspiration and the faith to succeed in our search on a journey that never ends – the search to find God.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Stop Beating Yourself Up

Search For God

It is time to stop berating yourself because other people claim they are the only people of faith, and you don’t think you have the right to make the same claim. You have as much right as anyone else to be a person of faith as long as you believe in God in your own way.

Being a person of faith is not a matter of which religion you adhere to, it is a matter of what is in your heart. If you truly believe in God, then you have the right to claim that you are a person of faith.

Isn’t it time you started letting people know that you are a person of faith?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Chapter 2 Stripping Away Your Inhibitions Part 3

Search For God

You have to learn:
1. Not to give in to your fears that something will go wrong if you do not follow a set format. Don’t be afraid to change lifelong patterns of behavior.
2. You have to start to believe in yourself. Admit to yourself that you are a good and worthwhile person who is entitled to have his or her dreams come true.
3. Exercise your right to conjure up from the deepest resources of your mind those imaginative thoughts that can improve your life and those of your loved ones.
4. Analyze those imaginative thoughts that may seem out of context with your basic beliefs, and see if you can find a way to reconfigure them so that they can provide a framework for you finding more faith in God. Use these released thoughts to help you find more faith. Use your God given right to make a choice.

Stripping away your inhibitions can help you open your heart to God. It can help make you feel free. It can help you find more faith. I know that you’re thinking that it’s hard to change. But sometimes it is harder to stay in the rut of limited possibilities. Take the easy course to finding more faith in God, and strip away your inhibitions.

These are excerpts from my book the “Faith Patch Manual.” You can preview the book by clicking on the link on the sidebar titled “Find More Faith In God” or by going to

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Chapter 2 Stripping Away Your Inhibitions Part 2

Search For God

Why else would the good Lord have given us the power of independent thought? Why else would He allow us the right to make choices about how we believe in him? Strip away your inhibitions and allow freedom of choice to frame a new response to your quest for more faith.

Most of us do things out of a sense of tradition. Many of us belong to organized religions that provide us with rules to live by. This is good because it gives us a basic set of values and beliefs, but we have to learn to go beyond what we have been told in order to discover what we truly believe. We have to learn to question ourselves to help us find more faith. We can use our traditional beliefs to help us form a foundation for finding more faith. We have to strip away our inhibitions so that we can expand out horizons.

In order for you to unlock your imagination and realize your promise, (that which is special about each of us individually), that each of us has to do more with our lives, you have to strip away years of inhibitions that have been keeping you from fulfilling your dreams.

These are excerpts from my book the “Faith Patch Manual.” You can preview the book by clicking on the link on the sidebar titled “Find More Faith In God” or by going to

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Chapter 2 Stripping Away Your Inhibitions Part 1

Search For God

Do you ever wonder if you are doing the right thing? When you learn how to strip away your inhibitions you will learn what your options are, and which ones are right for you to follow.

Take the ‘little leap’ of faith that let’s you understand that only God can decide what is right and what is wrong.

Many of us spend too much time trying to live by a set of rigid standards that inhibit us from discovering our true feelings. It’s important to have a moral set of standards by which we live our lives, but we shouldn’t be so set in our ways that we aren’t willing to explore new thoughts and formulate new patterns of behavior.

Stripping away our inhibitions starts with a question. Ask yourself why am I doing things this way? Ask yourself if there is a different and better way for me to think about my life and its purpose so that I can find more faith. Ask yourself if you are doing things in a certain way solely because of family traditions or because of religious background or because you truly believe in the code of conduct you are adhering to. If you are secure in your beliefs as they are now you probably wouldn’t be reading this to help you find more faith. Allow yourself to question why you do what you do and how you can expand upon good and worthwhile traditions and religious beliefs to help you find more faith. Open your heart to God.

Take the ‘little leap’ of faith that allows you to admit to yourself that there may be more than one way to find God.

These are excerpts from my book the “Faith Patch Manual.” You can preview the book by clicking on the link on the sidebar titled “Find More Faith In God” or by going to

Monday, April 17, 2006

Motivated And Inspired To Find God

Search For God

When was the last time you found yourself really motivated to find God? When did you have finding God on your top ten list of things to do? When was making a search for the God of your dreams a top priority? When was the last time you felt inspired to search for God?

You need to get motivated to find God. You need to understand how important a part God plays in your life. You need to get inspired to find your faith.

You remember what being truly motivated feels like, don’t you? The feeling you get when you are absolutely convinced that you can do no wrong, the feeling that takes over your mind and your soul when you become convinced you have to have some possession, or relationship, or new job. You remember that a key part to your becoming motivated was your firm belief that you could do it, that you had the ability, and of course that you had the motivation to accomplish your goal.

Sometimes we have to use our imagination to motivate us to find the God of our dreams. Sometimes we have to imagine how wonderful it will make us feel to become people of faith. Sometimes we have to invent a symbol of our faith in God to motivate ourselves to find the inner peace that believing in God can bring us. Sometimes we have to create something special to help inspire us to feel wonderful.

In my case I was inspired to create a faith-based Magic Pill to help motivate me to find my faith. Couldn’t we all use a little magic and faith in our lives right now? As a gesture of my faith in my fellow man I have infused this Magic Pill with my faith for all to share if you can believe that. When you infuse it with your faith it will become a unique collectible that may help motivate and inspire you in your search for God. It even comes with faith building instructions and a Certificate of Sharing so that you can express your faith in God to a family member or loved one. You can get your own Magic Pill free on my Web site to help motivate and inspire you.

To get motivated and inspired to find God go to to receive your free Magic Pill or just click on “ Find Faith” on the sidebar.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Chapter 1 – Part 4 – Imagination

Search For God

In order for you to unlock your imagination you have to:
1. Make note of your secret dreams and desires, and ask yourself why you shouldn’t try to fulfill them. Some of them may open up a whole new path to your finding more faith.
2. Concentrate on the strange thoughts that pop into your mind, and do not discount them out of hand. Some of them may contain the seeds to your finding more faith.
3. Ask yourself what would happen if you were to pursue some of these thoughts and dreams. Would they help make you a better and happier person?
4. Try and separate in your mind those truly imaginative thoughts that can help make you a better and happier person from the others that make no sense to you or have no moral value.
5. Use your newfound imagination to do something constructive and wonderful with your life. Start to care.

Take the ‘little leap’ of faith that allows you to believe in what you cannot see or understand by using your imagination to help you conceive of what you cannot comprehend.

Wouldn’t you like to put a little magic in your life right now – use your imagination?

These are excerpts from my book the “Faith Patch Manual.” You can preview the book by clicking on the link on the sidebar titled “Find More Faith In God” or by going to

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Chapter 1 – Part 3 – Imagination

Search For God

Now imagine what you would like to do to help other people. You can’t become a Person of Faith without caring about other people. You are a good and worthwhile person, aren’t you? You do want to help others, don’t you? It could help make you a worthy person in God’s eyes.

Take a ‘little leap’ of faith and start to care about your loved ones and friends.

Are you inhibited from using your imagination because you believe it will lead you into a flight of fantasy?

Take the ‘little leap’ of faith that will help you recognize that sometimes it takes a little fantasy to believe in what we cannot see or understand.

Do you think it’s a way to avoid reality? Don’t be inhibited. Strip away your inhibitions and allow yourself to understand that your imagination is real. It is the way your subconscious mind or soul thinks about things. It is a way for you to reveal your inner most thoughts to yourself. Sometimes we have to put these thoughts into some type of logical pattern. That requires analyzing what we really meant by these thoughts. That requires putting aside some of the set rules we have about what is acceptable to think about and what isn’t. That requires us to strip away the inhibitions of a lifetime so that we can see more clearly a pathway to God.

These are excerpts from my book the “Faith Patch Manual.” You can preview the book by clicking on the link on the sidebar titled “Find More Faith In God” or by going to

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Chapter 1 -- Part 2 -- Imagination

Search For God

Are you stressed out trying to do things perfectly, and trying to control everything that happens in your life? I used to be that way until I used my imagination to accept the fact that only God could be in control all the time. Do the best that you can, and relax in the realization that you can’t be in control all the time.

Take the ‘little leap’ of faith that will put your trust in the Almighty and help you understand that only God can be in control all the time.

Use your imagination to put your fate in his hands – relax. Your faith is in his hands anyway.

Did you ever stop to imagine that maybe God is waiting to hear from you? Think about what you would like to say to him. Do you want his help and guidance? You can ask God for anything, and if you have enough faith your prayers will be answered. That’s how a Person of Faith feels. Wouldn’t you like to feel that way too? You can if you have enough faith. Imagine how wonderful believing that your prayers will be answered would be.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

CHAPTER 1 -- Your Imagination -- Part 1

Search For God

Have you ever had a strange thought pop into your head right after you wake up in the morning or at almost anytime of the day or night? Don’t dismiss these thoughts because you feel they are weird and out of context to what you really think. Don’t dismiss them out of hand because they don’t fit in with the rules and code of conduct by which you guide your life and beliefs. They may be the inner workings of your subconscious mind or soul trying to tell you to reach out to discover what you really believe or think. These thoughts may be your imagination trying to help you recognize how you really feel. Don’t make quick judgments that they don’t reflect how you feel about your faith.

Take the ‘little leap’ of faith that will lead you to understand that only God has the right to sit in judgment.

Explore your true feeling. Try and put them into a framework of what you really believe. Try to use your imagination. It is God’s gift to you. It will help you find more faith.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Introduction To The Faith Patch Manual

Search For God

I believe I know what you are thinking. I can sense it. My imagination tells me that you are searching for inspiration. You want peace of mind. You want to stop worrying about the troubles of our time. You want to be secure. You want to have more faith in God. I believe that by stripping away your inhibitions and unlocking your imagination you can realize your goals. Let’s go on a trip together to help you find more faith. Let’s begin a journey to help you feel wonderful. Let’s begin a quest to help you get inspired to find the magic of faith.

Beginning is always the difficult part, isn’t it? Deciding where to start and whose advice to follow can create problems and lead to indecision. Let’s start by using our imaginations to help us find our faith. Remember, in the final analysis it is not what I think that counts, it is what you believe, what your imagination tells you, that will determine your personal path to finding more faith in God.

When we strip away the inhibitions that have kept us from feeling like People of Faith we will be able to see things more clearly. We will be able to make decisions on a more reasoned basis. We will be able to see more clearly the pathway to faith in God. Let’s start using our imagination so that we can learn to cope with the troubles of our time.

Your imagination is really a reflection of what you truly think deep down in your soul. Unlocking your imagination enables you to catch a glimpse of what your true feelings of faith are. You can use your imagination to help you find your faith. You can use it to begin building your faith.

Take ‘little leaps’ of faith that will allow you to become a Person of Faith.

Most people live their lives according to a strict code of conduct instilled upon us by our traditions and value system. Most of this is good, but it limits our ability to look outside a set framework of beliefs to find more faith. Strip away these inhibitions. Unlock your imagination. Be willing to question the true nature of your faith. It could be the beginning of finding more faith. Use your imagination to help you expand your concept of faith. Use your imagination to reinforce the basic tenants of your faith. Learn to let your imagination help you to expand your horizons.

Take the ‘little leap’ of faith that shows you how to believe in what you cannot see or understand.

When you unlock your imagination you will soon discover that you are a good and worthwhile person who has good thoughts, means well, tries to help others, and wants to do something meaningful with your life. You will start to feel better about yourself, and learn to be more accepting of the fact that you are entitled to believe in God. You will begin to find more Faith. How can you hope to believe in God if you do not believe in yourself? You were made in his image, weren’t you? Use your imagination to help you discover this miracle of faith.

Sometimes it helps to invent a magical friend to symbolize your imagination. That’s what I did when I invented Glorious the nonsectarian Magic Genie Faith Builder. You may want to use your imagination to create your own symbol of faith, your own Faith Patch, to help make your journey to faith easier and help you strip away your inhibitions. I know what your thinking. I’ve been listening. Don’t feel silly. Unlock your imagination and invent your own symbol of faith. It could make your journey to faith so much easier. My best friend Glorious the Magic Genie told me so.

These are excerpts from my book the “Faith Patch Manual.” You can preview the book by clicking on the link on the sidebar titled “Find More Faith In God” or by going to

Friday, April 07, 2006

Put On A Happy Face

Search For God

What would happen if you were to meet God today? Would He see you looking sad and frowning or would He see a happy you? Try smiling -- you never know when you are going to run into God. You do want Him to know that you are happy to see Him, don’t you? Continue your search for God, but be sure to put on a happy face.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Search For God

Search For God

Search For God

How does one go about searching for the God of our dreams?

You know what I’m talking about: the God that will solve all our problems, the one that will answer our questions and give us peace of mind, the God that will keep us safe and secure.

I think we have to search for God one step at a time. The first step might be to open our hearts to Him so that we can receive His mercy and kindness.

Another action we can take is to be kind and caring to other people, as we would have God be kind to and care about us.

Maybe we have to learn to search for God in new places. Perhaps it is a matter of using our imaginations to help us divine a new way to find God.

Can you imagine that God is always with you and that you don’t really have to search for Him at all? Maybe what we have to do is to start by accepting His presence.

Perhaps if we imagine that God is standing right next to us we will begin to understand how to act with God in our midst. Maybe it is a matter of accepting that He calls upon us to be all that we can be, and to do good works. I like to image that this is the way things will be in God’s presence, what about you?

Can you conceive of how wonderful and inspired you will feel when you discover that your search for God may be over, that He was with you all the time?

In my dreams, in my imagination, I feel Him near me. It gives me peace of mind. It allows me to consider myself a person of faith. It gives me the inspiration to go on with my life. What about you, is your search for God almost over? Can you feel His grace? Can you accept that you are in His presence? Perhaps what we have to do is to accept the fact that He is always with us. Sometimes we have to use a little imagination to believe in what we cannot see or understand. Sometimes we just have to believe to make it so.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Are You Ready To Find God?

Search For God

Are You Ready To Find God?

Are you ready to get closer to God?

Are you ready to start listening to his words of wisdom?

Are you ready to discover the magic of faith?

If you are like me there have been periods in your life when you wished you had more faith to help you cope with the troubles of our time. It doesn’t matter whether you have personal problems to overcome or are worried about acts of terrorism or natural disasters; we all need to find more faith.

Sometimes it takes a little fantasy to help us believe in what we cannot see or understand, that’s where the magic comes in. Sometimes it takes more effort to accomplish an impossible dream, that’s where faith comes in.

I believe you will find it is only natural for you to want to have more faith. We are all predisposed to want to have more faith. It’s a hidden gene that God instilled us with from the beginning of mankind.

Don’t you want to do what comes naturally?

Don’t you want to feel better about yourself?

Don’t you want to become a Person of Faith?

When you start to believe that you are a good and worthwhile person, you will come to realize that you are entitled to be a Person of Faith. You will begin to understand that it is preordained. You will find peace of mind. You will begin to feel wonderful.

In order to find more faith so that you can cope with the troubles of our time, you need to strip away your inhibitions and start to use your imagination. Can you imagine how wonderful you will feel when you become a Person of Faith? Can you imagine the state of euphoria you will experience when you discover that you are a good and worthwhile person? It may seem like a miracle, but it will only be you finding your faith.

Are you ready to start feeling good about yourself?

Are you ready to experience the joy of having peace of mind?

Are you ready to get closer to God?

You may be asking yourself why would God be interested in me? You may be wondering if he will hear your prayers. God is always listening and offering us his Grace. We just have to have enough faith to learn how to listen for his words of kindness and caring.

Can you open your heart to God?

Are you ready to become a Person of Faith?

Are you ready to start using your imagination?

Are you ready to strip away your inhibitions?

Are you ready to start listening for the words of God?

Are you ready to have God hear your prayers?

Hurry, God may be waiting to hear from you!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Me And My Anomaly

Search For God

Have you ever wondered which one is the real you? Are you that kind-hearted person that is searching for God and who wants to do good works, or are you the other you: the one who only cares about yourself.

If you are like me, there are times in your life when you can’t decide which one of you is the real you. Have faith that you are the kind-hearted person who wants to be a person of faith. Continue your search for God and allow his grace to grant you a wonderful feeling of bliss. Allow God’s grace to grant you the peace of mind that you are searching for. Get inspired to let the real you find God.

Monday, April 03, 2006

It's All Part Of God's Creation

Search For God

It’s All Part Of God’s Creation

That’s right, even what we speak of as the evolution of nature is part of God’s grand design. It is up to us to see it through His eyes.

That’s why even scientists believe in God. They can find no other way to explain the universe except through the fact of the glory of God. All the rest is just theory.

It is up to us to believe in the words of God. It is up to us to believe in the creation of the world and of us as told in the bible. It is up to us to believe in the words of the Lord if we want to find the pathway to Heaven.

How else can we explain the creation of the universe if not for God?

Be secure that God loves us.

It is up to us to listen to God’s words of wisdom, kindness, and love if we want to be protected by his graciousness.

Renew your faith in God and you renew your own creation.

Strengthen your faith in God and you will know his mercy.

How else can we explain the blessings we have received if not for God?

How else can we explain the bounty and fullness of our lives?

Ask yourself where you would be if not for God and his grand design?

We are all part of his grand design.

We are all products of his kindness and mercy.

We are all part of God’s divine purpose.

Let the facts of God’s creation speak for themselves. Let the faithful see the hand of God in nature. Let the facts of evolution be reflected in his words of wisdom.

We are all part of God’s grand design.

Through our faith, we can enjoy his mercy.

Through our faith we can witness his blessing.

Through our faith we can have him always at our side.

Through our faith in him, we can find our way to Heaven.

Let us never forget that God created us as part of his divine purpose.

Through our faith, we can give meaning and purpose to our lives.

Through our faith, we can find divine guidance.

Through our faith, we can reaffirm being part of his marvelous creation.