Monday, May 21, 2007

One Stop Money Making Marketing Machine

I am getting a little confused looking at all the different affiliate type programs offering me a free Website to promote one product or the other. Each offer indicates that their way is the best to the exclusion of all others. What I really want is to have the best of all worlds.

That’s right, I want one program that offers me multiple sources of income from most of the proven major affiliate programs. I also want a program that will help me build a significant lifetime residual income, and one that I can operate right from my own home. I want to work at home. In fact I want my money making machine to do most of the work for me.

I want a one stop money making marketing machine: a program that offers me everything I am looking for and that is offering products for sale 24/7 that are going to really make me money and offer me a lifetime residual income that goes on and on and can even be left to my wife and children if something happens to me.

My philosophy is let the customer decide. Let them make the decision as to what product or service they want to buy. I want to offer them as many fine choices as possible. I want to make their selection easy. I want us to offer them everything they could possibly be looking for all in one place.

I guess what I want and want to be able to offer others is a Website that provides multiple streams of income and lifetime residual income all in one place. Is this too much to ask? With all the technological advances available today, I don’t think so. I think anything is possible if you know how to look in the right place.

Some people may think I am greedy and ambitious, but I think I am just enterprising. I am looking for the best marketing opportunity available to fulfill my dreams. I am looking to sell product that meets my customer’s demands. I am trying to satisfy their desires. When I succeed I make money and they make money. What could be better?

Sometimes simplicity of motive can create the best result. Sometimes wanting it all is a virtue in and of itself. Sometimes wanting to meet our marketing objectives all in one place is a dream that can come true for all of us.

Arthur Levine is the author of numerous articles showing people how to learn how to make a new beginning, work at home, and start over. To discover your own one stop money making marketing machine access:

Monday, May 14, 2007

The New Middle Aged – Their Faith and Politics

Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box.
© Copyright Arthur Levine – 2007
Keywords: New Middle Aged, God, Faith, Politics
Words: 525

Surprise, a very unofficial, unscientific poll I just took among a group of my poker playing buddies indicates that the New Middle Aged Group (Those in their fifties and sixties) are split in their political leanings pretty much along the same lines as the national electorate of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans.

As far as having faith in God and a high degree of Spiritualism is concerned, there is no divide. People of all political persuasions appear to have faith except of course for the Atheists.

This statistically corrupt information only begs the fact that there are a lot of politics going on in the name of faith. And this applies especially to people in their fifties and sixties who in their own minds no longer have any margin for error left even if it is plus or minus three percent as the polling pundits will tell you.

Make no mistake about it, there is a tug of war going on for the political allegiance of people of all faiths, but the New Middle Aged Group are standing their ground. They are refusing to be swayed by the puffed up pitches and rhetoric of all the major political parties. They have seen and heard this all before.

The New Middle Aged Group prefers to rely on their instincts and their faith to guide them in making political decisions. That’s how they managed to get to this stage in their life to begin with without falling prey to disaster.

As far as the faith part goes, they all started with some faith in God and this has only grown over the years as the specter of their own mortality becomes increasingly present in their minds.

You might wonder why this is the topic for conversation when so much of what we know is a given. The truth is that every one wants their vote. That’s right, the older and supposedly wiser heads, those baby boomers and their ilk, are respected, adored, and courted for their vote

It’s enough to make one wonder what all the fuss about getting older is if every one wants what this hardy group of people in their fifties and sixties have: the wisdom to make sound decisions, the stamina to live longer healthier lives, the desire and ability to make the right choices and of course their precious votes.

I say let’s spend our time trying to figure out how to join this august group instead of fighting getting older. That’s what I vote for. How about you?

Arthur Levine is the author of numerous articles showing people how they can become members of the new middle-aged group (people in their fifties and sixties plus). To learn how to join the group, make a new beginning, work at home, and start over, access:
To see more of his articles or possibly learn how to become a writer yourself, check out

Monday, May 07, 2007

Building A Community Of New Middle Aged People

Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box.
Keywords: Building a Community, Work at Home, New Middle Aged Group, Fresh Start,
© Copyright Arthur Levine 2007
Words: 476

Yesterday in response to another article I had written about working at home for people in their fifties and sixties, I got a number of comments that others felt the same way about starting new careers and were using the Internet to do so. They seemed to be very happy to see that someone else held opinions similar to theirs and was attempting to do the same thing.

Then it struck me that there must be a lot of people out their who are struggling with retirement and the wish to stay active, continue earning a living, and do something worthwhile and creative with their lives.

It can seem pretty lonely when suddenly the job you have been doing for many years is no longer there, when you no longer have an office to go to, and when your normal daily work routine suddenly stops.

It would be nice to know that many other people are going through the same type of lifestyle altering events. It would be nice to know what other people are doing to deal with this major change in their lives, how they are creating new careers, and what they are doing to stay active and do something constructive.

To today’s active new middle-aged group retirement no longer means no longer working. It means changing the nature of the work that you do. It means finding a new direction. It means taking charge of your life.

Sometimes starting a new career can be the opportunity to follow your own special interests that you may not have had the ability to concentrate on before. Sometimes it means being able to work at your own pace from your own home. Sometimes it gives you the luxury to be free to do whatever you feel called upon to do.

No one can force you into retirement. No one make you do or not do something. You have reached a stage in your life where you can live life on your own terms.

Maybe what we need to do is to start a community of like-minded people who consider themselves part of the new middle-aged group and are ready to start a new career. Maybe we can help each other find the answers we are searching for together as we make a fresh start.

If you would like to help build a community for the new middle-aged group, and
participate in a new beginning please share your comments with us at my blog at: or To learn how to make a new beginning, work at home, and start over, access:

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Is This Article For You?

Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box.
Keywords: Article Writing, Website, Content, Freelance
Words: 432
© Copyright Arthur Levine 2007

How many times have you said to yourself, I wish I had someone who could write articles for my Website or Blog that tells the reader what I think they will be interested in reading about?

Many of you don’t have the time or the desire to write your own articles, but you sure know what you want talked about, and you probably have an excellent idea of what your readers want to see and hear.

Many of you turn to free article submission services to find the articles you want to post on your Websites. Some of you turn to paid content for hire Websites to fill your article needs, Some of you even hire individual freelance writers to write the articles you desire, but how many of these people stay on topic and are willing to learn to write in your voice?

Whatever method you use, please be sure to try and find articles that fit in with the character and nature of your Website. Believe it or not, your readers know the difference. They can tell instinctively when you are running something as filler material, and when you are posting something that genuinely represents the interests of your Website or Blog.

I guess the message is to try and stay on message.

This isn’t always easy. There is a lot of material out there on the Internet, some of which is very good, and some of which has been reprocessed and renamed to the point that it is useless in creating the impression that you want.

Stay away from duplicate content. The best way to do this is to stick with the article submission services that you know and trust and that have policies against publishing duplicate content.

Another good way to assure that your readers are getting what they want is for you to hire a freelance writer that will produce exactly the kind of material that you are looking for.

Whatever you decide to do, be sure to try and provide your readers with material that meets their demands for information of value on the topic your Website or Blog specializes in. That’s the best way to keep their interest and protect yours.

Arthur Levine is a freelance writer of articles for Websites and Blogs. To see more of his articles or to send him a comment please access his blog