Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Holiday

Search For God

Hi, best wishes to everyone for a happy holiday and a happy new year.

Arthur Levine

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

When Marketing to The New Middle Aged - Stop and Listen to Your Heart

Sometimes statistics don’t tell the whole story. Sometimes over reliance on historical data can lead us in the wrong direction. When marketing to people in the new middle aged group (NMA), those in their fifties and sixties, sometimes we have to stop and listen to our hearts.

NMA people rely heavily on their instincts, emotions and their faith. That’s what we marketers of products and services have to do when we are dealing with them. That’s what we should do when we are trying to sell them something. We have to try and anticipate what they want and how they feel and respond in an emotional appeal that they will relate to.

Many of the NMA people rely on their faith to help them find their way. They have a keen sense of spirituality. It is wiser to appeal to them on an emotional basis than it is to rely solely on a logical argument or on boring reasoned judgment. Try and tell a story that will interest them so that they can start to relate to you and your marketing message.

Let the NMA know that you are a real person who can feel their pain and share their joy. If you do they will start to relate to you and the product you are trying to sell them. Be careful not to puff or embellish the facts. The NMA have good instincts. That’s how they got to this stage to begin with. They can almost sense a deception or a deceptive sales practice or pitch. Don’t try it. Tell the truth.

If there are minor problems with the product you are selling let them know what they are at the same time you are listing the benefits. NMA people are smart enough to make their own decisions. They will appreciate your candor.

Don’t try and sell the NMA what you think they should buy. Offer them what they want. Do the marketing research necessary to find out what they really want. Don’t prejudge what you think their interests are. And whatever you do, don’t stereotype them by their age group.

With the NMA it is often how they feel about themselves that dictates what they are interested in purchasing. Does anyone have a handle on what percentage of people over fifty own, or want to own sports cars? Does anyone have an idea of how spiritualism drives the buying decisions of the NMA? Where are the studies that indicate what effect sex drive has on NMA buying decisions?

The key here I think is to realize that the NMA need to have their interests and desires taken into consideration. Being fifty plus isn’t all a matter of what painkillers you take. It involves passion and desire and the wish to have fun. It involves the desire to lead interesting active lives. It involves a holistic alternative approach to medicine as well as utilizing the latest medical advances and chemical drug treatments. It involves anticipating their spiritual needs.